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Ryker sat on her bed, with her sketch book open and her pencils scattered around her as she drew Roman

She was drawing Roman in a warrior position, she had been listening lately to alot of stories about his lineage and she learnt that many Samoans were warriors and defended their people selflessly

She was drawing his hair loose and wet, his back bent backwards, mouth opened in a war cry, muscles bulging and shiny

Dean came in towelling off his hair, his gym shorts riding low on his hips and his chest shiny with his moisturizer, he came over to where she was drawing on her bed and he craned his neck to look at her book

He hummed lowly as he saw what or, who she was drawing. It was very beautiful, the lines were precise and it looked as if you had physically transferred Roman to a sheet of paper

 It was very beautiful, the lines were precise and it looked as if you had physically transferred Roman to a sheet of paper

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(I don't own this. Credits to owner❤)

"Like it?" Ryker asked as she smiled hopefully up at Dean who hummed again

"Oh uh, yeah Ry, it's great." He replied dismissively as he went towards his deodorant

Ryker frowned at his half hearted response and bit her lip, she had just made shadows on her drawing when she couldn't help herself

"Why do you hate Ro so much?" She asked and Dean froze then he sighed and turned to face her

"I don't hate Reigns," he admitted and winced when she rolled her eyes

"Bullshit and you know it," she said

"Listen Ry," he began, going over to where she was and sitting close to her

"It's not that I hate Roman, but-" he said and she looked at him in anticipation

"You're my girl Ry, you've been my girl since we were kids, and you need to know, you could date freaking God himself and I still wouldn't think he's good enough for you." He admitted and Ryker smiled

"I don't hate Reigns, I just think no one is good enough for you," he said and that was the truth

"I know he's a good guy and everything but he could hurt you and he has, I'm protective of you cuz I know what you've been through to get here and I know what we've been through to get here-"

"I'm not about to let anyone take you away from me," he said and Ryker melted to the floor at the sincerity in Dean's eyes

"De-" she said fondly as she scooted a little closer and cupped his cheek

"You'll never lose me. You're my guy, my favourite guy, Roman and I are dating yeah, but he doesn't know me in and out like you, he will never take your place De, I promise," she said to him and she leaned over and kissed his forehead then the tip of his nose

"You're my best friend and at times my only friend. We've been blood since we were kids, I just met Ro, you and I got a bond that no one, and I mean no one is gonna take your place," she told him

"You mean that?" He asked and she smiled

"With my whole heart," she replied comfidently

"I love you," he said, opening his arms and she immediately leaned on his chest

"I love you to De," she replied, wrapping her own arms around him and hugging him tightly.

That's why she loved Dean, sometimes, he was a little over protective, sometimes he had a hard time processing things, sometimes his emotions got the best of him, but it was all because he loves her and he cares about her and she made sure to thank god every night for him

"Hey gorgeous," she greeted, leaning down to quickly peck Roman's lips as she saw him in the quad with his friends

"Hi." Roman blushed, looking up at her

"We still on for our place later?" She asked and he smiled and nodded to her

"Wanna hang out?" She asked, looking at her boyfriend who looked at his friends nervously before looking back at her

"Um, don't you got to study?" He asked and she waved her hand

"I can do that anytime," she replied and smiled

"Umm-" Roman nervously chewed on his bottom lip gently

"I kinda wanted to keep studying with the guys," Roman said and she shrugged

"Cool," she smiled

"I'll see you later then," she said, pecking his cheek and waving to him as she left

"What the hell are you doing with Ryker Johnson?" Finn asked, Kevin and Sami nodding in agreement

"She's bad news Ro, she's gonna break your heart," Sami said

"I can't believe you broke up with Gal for that shameless bimbo," Kevin added with a roll of his eyes

Roman blushed in embarrassment and kept his eyes down in his book, avoiding the conversation all together. Seth watched these events take place and frowned at Roman

"Ryker's a great girl guys, take it easy dudes," Seth said, standing up for his once friend

"C'mon Seth, you said it yourself she's a slut," Kevin said laughing, Sami and Finn joining in, Roman looked at him

"You said that?" He asked nervously and Seth opened his mouth

"Yeah he did! Said she'd been sucking Ambrose's dick since they were teens," Kevin answered and Seth took a breath and rolled his eyes at Kev's crudeness

Seth cast his eyes on Roman and saw him with his eyebrows furrowed and his cheeks tinted red with either embarrassment or frustration because he was thinking really hard about something

Seth got worried now, he had a fair idea of what Roman was thinking and if it was what he was thinking, the following few days in Ryker and Roman's relationship were gonna be bumpy, but he wasn't gonna get involved yet, because his mother always told him, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"

"You okay bro?" Seth whispered as he and Roman walked to their management class and Roman flinched slightly, way too caught up in his thoughts to realize he and Seth had been walking in silence until his best friend spoke

"Yeah I'm alright." He replied and Seth frowned at the short answer

"Look man, ignore the guys okay? They don't know shit about your relationship with Ryker," Seth tried and Roman faltered before he met Seth's eyes

"Yeah dude," he replied again and again, Seth was looking at him funny, like was Roman starting to doubt everything? Was Roman starting to doubt the kind of person Ryker was?

Roman himself was confused, he didn't know what was the truth anymore. He trusted his friends with his life. He trusted Ryker to. Who was telling the truth? The boys had said alot of things about Ryker that he didn't know and he found himself wondering if that was just their opinions or if it was the truth

If their words weren't opinions, he would be upset because it would mean that not only did he not know who Ryker was, but it would also mean she wasn't telling him the whole truth about her relationship with Dean. He'd just have to deal with it and burn one bridge at a time

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