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Ryker rubbed her finger over her lips, spreading the red stain on them, and then pursing them to make sure they were perfect

She had a date with Roman tonight at the little cafe she had introduced him to. It was their first official date and she kinda wanted everything to work out for them. She had never liked someone as much as she liked Roman, and in such a short time as well

She took one last look in the mirror and nodded, she looked alright. Dean was on the bed with his text book open, eating a brownie when she walked out

"How do I look D?" She asked holding her arms out and Dean looked up and froze mid bite, holy-

"You look- you, fuck," he said, looking her up and down and she smiled and walked closer to flick his nose

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"You look- you, fuck," he said, looking her up and down and she smiled and walked closer to flick his nose

"Keep it in your pants D," she teased, pressing a chaste kiss to his forehead

She just put on her flats when there were 3 knocks at their dorm room door

"That's him." She said excitedly as she albeit ran to the door and she took a breath and opened it, her breath catching, Roman stood there, without his glasses, she was accustomed to seeing him with them, but he looked hot without them

He could be in a potato sack and crocks and she'd still think he was hot

"Wow Ro," she complimented, appreciating the sight of her hot boyfriend, who was dressed casually enough but still looked like he stepped off GQ magazine

"Wow Ro," she complimented, appreciating the sight of her hot boyfriend, who was dressed casually enough but still looked like he stepped off GQ magazine

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Ryker was watching how that grey shirt clung to his upper body, crossfit? Whatever helped him look like he did? She'd make love to it as a thank you. His jeans clung to his thighs as well and he looked beautiful

Roman was also checking out Ryker, her flat stomach and thick hips and thighs, good god. He definitely got one of if not the hottest girl on campus

"You look amazing," he complimented and she met his eyes

"Me? You look fucking edible babe," she said in an almost moan and Roman blushed ten ways till Sunday making her smile, god he was perfect

They stood there a while longer, just admiring how hot the other was, until Dean walked into the living room and groaned

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