Chapter #23 John

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My eyes squeezed shut as I tried to overcome the overwhelming memories that came to my head. Each of them equally horrifying.

"Just get over it," I growled to myself, "it's not like anything that comes out of people's mouths should matter to me anyway."

Nobody responded, and I was left to face my past...

"You shouldn't have done that," a purple haired boy chastised, a big smirk on his face. "I'm going to have to hurt you now."

My eyes widened, "Why?! I didn't do anything!"

The boy waved his hand, "unlike you, I'm powerful. And when a weakling like you gets in the way of someone powerful like me, I'm forced to take action."

I took a step back, unsure. "That's ridiculous! Your making that up, high tiers don't get to do whatever they want! You guys have to respect the rules..."


I clutched my face, the burning sensation of pain remained on the side of my cheek. I stared at the boy in surprise.

"Well then," he growled, "you don't know anything, do you?"

         He inched towards me, and I trembled back.

         "Things don't work that way," he smirked, "high tiers get yo do whatever they want. I'm an Elite tier, but I'm close enough to know this stuff. So, unless you want to beaten up twice today, I suggest you stay silent."

         I cocked my head, "but I only bumped into you in the hallway! How does that make me someone you have to beat up?!"

        He smiled, and with a whisper told me, "you spoke."

       I would use the comparison of lightning, but to me, it seemed much faster. Without warning, my back was against the brick dusty wall behind me. And his hand was clutching my throat, not tightly, but not softly either.

      I stifled a whimper, and began to struggle, throwing my body in almost every direction, trying to free myself.

      "Just give up," he told me in a bored voice, "struggling is futile. And it's getting annoying."

      I was able to hear his words, but with the situation at hand, I couldn't listen and understand them at all. So I kept on struggling, gripping his hand and trying to claw it off of my neck.

      "Oh well," he shrugged, "whatever happens now is not my fault, you understand, right?"

       "Pl-please," I tried, ignoring his question, "j-just let g-go!"

       He shook his head, and grinned menacingly, "you didn't answer my question. You know, it's rude to ignore someone."

        Tears began to overflow my eyes, and they dropped onto the ground. My face felt hot, and with all the blood that had rushed to my cheeks, the tears came faster and faster.

        "Oh," the purple haired boy mocked, "is little Johnny crying?" He caressed my face, and smirked.

        This time, I couldn't stop the whimper that came at my throat. And the weak sound of surrender came from my mouth.

        He raised his eyebrows, "that was unexpected," he tightened his hold around my neck. "Too bad."

        I kept trying to claw and struggle, and before long, everything began to get fuzzy. I reached out, trying to identify what was in front of me, but it was impossible to tell.

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