Chapter #47 John

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"This is... well... rather inconvenient."

I gaze back at my father, who had deeply sighed, ruffling his raven hair and shaking his head almost in agreement with his own sentence. He looked almost worried, and at the most, puzzled.

My legs kicked around, almost in a childish way, and I leaned backwards on the seat. "What do you mean Dad?" My small eyes widened, and I smiled, almost as if I wanted to comfort him.

He turned to me, and offered a small smile. "You shouldn't worry about that son..." the deep shaded bags under his eyes only seemed to tell me the opposite.

"Dad," I cocked my head to the side, and smiled teasingly. "Don't tell me you actually expect me to believe that." But there wasn't much of a response from him.

He didn't move, only another deep sigh. He just seemed to stand there, worry crossing on his face. It wasn't that hard to tell that something was wrong, but it's simply needed to figure out what...

"Dad," my voice seemed to repeat the soft word, and I could feel a tint of whine in my voice, making me sound rather childish. "Please? I wanna know the results." And to add on to the childish attitude, a small pout out made its way on my lips.

This time, he didn't even turn to face me, only narrowing his eyes. "John," he frowned and his grip around his chair tightened, "Please don't concern yourself with this, I can tell you the results later."

My first thought came out rashly. 'This isn't fair!' I stood up, pushing the chair behind me, "Dad," keeping the calm cool stance wasn't as easy as I had hoped, and keeping my range in check was even harder. "Dad! You know how important this is! You can't just brush it off!"

"John," I had never heard my Dad use that type of voice before, "Go to the car right now."

I was about to argue, but stopped mid-way when I noticed the look on my dads face. A shadow cast over, and I couldnt act like a kid when he was like this...


My footsteps echoed in the hallway as I made my way out of the two big doors, after holding both my hands like my dad had taught me, politely, I sighed.

"Uh... Excuse me?"

I turned around, my eyes big and wide, trying to avoid showing any hints of what had happened earlier in that room with that. Dad had always told me to never show weakness, nor any hint of something, anything. I wasn't going to turn to towards this person, teary eyed, and asking why my dad was mad.

The person in front of me was a tall man. I even had to sling my head back wards to get a look at his eyes, which were a light amber. He had brown shaggy hair and wasn't wearing fancy clothing, not suits nor any business clothes I typically see people with. He had a light but gentle smile on his face, and looked like a decent person.

"My name is Carter," he exchanged his hand to me, a smile on his face. "You are John, right?"

Obviously, I wanted to say no, that it wasn't my name. Just because I could. But I had a deep feeling like he already knew the answer to that question, and I shook his hand, giving him a warm smile in return.

"My name is John," I told him. And then stopped, what else would I say anyway? I hardly even knew this person!

       The man smiled, "I thought so," he mumbled, and turned around. I was a little confused, not sure whether to follow him or not, but he waved his hand in my direction. "Come on little one."

UnOrdinary: What if?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon