Chapter #41 John

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   "Are you done yet?" My foot tapped against the hard dirt ground beneath me, creating a consistent tap among the silence.

    All I could hear, was the gasping and gulping. As my two companions, no, scratch that, enemies drank out of the water that I brung. They should be grateful, and I guess they were, but they mocked me from above. And I do not let things like those pass.

"We have to talk," I didn't even check to see if the magenta haired girl wanted to agree with me. I simply grabbed her by the arm, and dragged her farther off, dark thoughts clouding my mind.

I could hear her growl in displeasure as she was dragged away from the water. "What is it?" She demanded, irritation and annoyance filled her voice.

        "What do you mean 'what is it?'" I snapped back, turning around and giving her a dark glare. "You literally risked my life just to get ahold of that stupid water!"

        She sighed, and put a hand to her head, "well let me ask you then John. If you became thirsty, starving, had used your ability to your max, had received more death experiences than you have ever had in your life, and actually have to deal with you two, I don't think you would be very sane either."

        "That's not the point," my eyes narrowed, "you pushed me, that had to mean something! You hate me, don't you." When she didn't respond, I only became more agitated. "Admit it!!!"

        "I don't hate you," she grumbled, looking back at Arlo. "It's just... your a threat to our school, and it's hard to be around someone who would destroy it without second thought."

      "Is that what you think of me," disbelief projected through my eyes. "Am I some simple little madman, running around trying to destroy what precious to all of you?"

      "That's not what I think no of you," she turned around, anger in her voice. "John, that's what you've proved to be."

        I was then left there, loss for words. That's what I proved to be? How? I wanted to conquer the school, not destroy it!

        'And what would you do after conquering this school?'

        And for that, I had no answer for. What was I planning to do after I finished that? Did I have any plans?

        "Hey John!" A yell startled me from my thoughts, and I looked to stare at the blonde haired boy waving his arms. "We have to head on our way now."

        I nodded slowly, trying to forget the conversation we had earlier. It was best to focus on the present, and the future, and hope we actually got out of this forest.

"So let me get this straight," Sera held out both of her hands out as we walked into the trees once again. "None of you have a map, phone, food, nor anything that could help us get out of here."

        "You don't either," I grumbled, staring at the ground, and stomping a little bit more than necessary.

         We all kept silent after that, almost as if to prove the point further. None of us had anything, and if we wanted to get out of here, we would need to try something different.

        "Should we keep on walking then?" Arlo mumbled, he took a deep breath in, and then out. "I feel like with all that's going on, I'm really not acting like myself at all."

         Sera shook her head, "simply wandering around is too unpredictable, who says we won't meet up with another wild animal? Or worse, a natural disaster."

        "Then what do you propose we do?"

         Her blue eyes narrowed, and she half shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure. We could try to locate ourselves and start off from there. But then there is the question, how do we find where we are?"

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