Part 8 - His Big B

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Here are the daggers
feel free to shoot them at me for updating soo late..
I deserve that.

But before that happy reading 📖🌹❤️.

Part 8

Maya POV

I look at Nicholas as he exits the room.

I take the medicines that Nicholas had brought with him for me then look at myself in the mirror facing me.
After the first aid care that Nicholas just gave me, I look a little better, at least I am soaked in my own blood, just bruises on me now which I'll have to hide before my brothers return.
But before that I really need to get some energy back, that goddamned fall did have it's effect on me.
My hands and legs are paining as hell.

Still seated on the bed, I try my best to pull my tired body towards the pillows to get some sleep. I just lie there.

As my phone rings, my sleep gets disturbed, it's a call from the NGO.

Damn it..
I completely forgot to inform them that I will not be able to come for few days due to the wedding and honeymoon that followed.
How could I even inform them when I myself was completely unaware that I was about to get married. And now they must be worried about me as I don't really skip work even if I'm not well.

But the question now is what am I gonna say..!!
What excuse am I gonna give.!!
Or should I just tell them the truth that I just got married.!!?

Hell no..!!
When I didn't tell them that I am the daughter of a billionaire, then for sure I'm not going to tell them about Nicholas when I am myself unsure about my relationship with him.

My thoughts are disturbed by the continuous ringing of the phone and I finally pick it up.

" Hello.. "
I say trying to sound as calm as I could.

" Hello Maya... Are you okay dear..!!?? "
A soft female voice asks with concern.

I smile as I realize whose voice it is.

" I am completely okay Mrs Singh.. Don't worry about me.!! I'm so sorry that I forgot to inform you that I would not be able to come to work. "
I say trying to make up for my absence.

" That's completely fine, Gracy informed us about your absence. She told us that maybe due to some personal reasons you would be absent for some time.. "

What a fool am I!!
Obviously she handled the situation at NGO behind my back.
My best friend and also bridesmaid at the wedding.
Thank goodness she didn't doubt when I announced her I'm getting married 2 days before the wedding though from her face I could clearly say that she was completely shook by my decision.
Maybe because I told her that I fell for Nicholas from a long time ago but was scared to speak to him. But when he approached me, things got better and he proposed for marriage which I couldn't refuse.
At first she was damn angry at me for keeping the entire Nicholas thing secret from her but then quickly melted as she was happy for me and also she knew the kind of relationship I had with my father and Jennifer.

God bless her for being my life savior at times.
Not only she helped me get this job but also helped me with Bunny and his treatment.

" Mayaaa... U there..!!?? "
I hear Mrs Singh say making me realize that I just completely zoned out from the phone conversation.

" Yess.. Yes.. I am still here.. I am so sorry for the uninformed absence Mrs Singh. I'll be back soon. "

" Okay Maya.. No problem..
We are all waiting for you to come back.. Especially the kids who are impatiently waiting for you to get back to work.

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