Part 47 - Danger Ahead

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Part 47

Well the last time I said I'm a crazy b*tch, many of you said awww no worry even we are. 😁
And by the end of the update you only said that I'm a crazy author. 😱

Well lemme say it again
I'm a crazy b*tch. ☺

Well why don't you guys describe me as an author..!!
But by the end of this Part. 😅

I'll be waiting for you at the end. 😉


Hearing Maya's words, Gracy suddenly felt her head spinning but as she heard Maya taking her name in her phone, Gracy quickly composed herself and said ;

" Do you even know what you're saying Maya..!!?? "

" Off course I know...
Gracy hurry up...
Get everyone especially the kids out of here..!!!

I can't talk much, there's one of those men following me... I'll try to hold him back as long as I can to let you guys escape...!!! "

Maya says in the phone as right after that the man whom Maya had hit previously shouted loud as he ran after her ;

" I'm gonna kill you once I lay my hands on you, you bloody bitch...!!! "

Hearing the anger in that voice both Maya and Gracy could feel chills all over their bodies.

" Just Run Mayaaaa.!!

Ill find a way to get everyone one out..!! "

Was all what Gracy managed to say realizing the mess Maya is currently in.

At that time both Maya and Gracy did what their respective first instincts were. While Maya ran to save herself from the man, Gracy also on the other hand ran out of the washroom to the main hall as fast as she could where the function was taking place.

Upon reaching there, Gracy saw everyone focusing on the speech of John, thinking of the best way to get everyone out of there without wasting much, an idea cropped up in the young ladys mind.

At the same time Maya was desperately running towards the main hall to save herself with her phone in one hand and the rod in other one got a little hope and relief as she noticed a man wearing a security guard uniform ahead of her walking towards the hall.

Without wasting any more time and knowing that the man she had previously hit might quickly catch up to her, Maya shouted for help to the stranger;

" Hello.

Excuse me

Dont goo..!!

Please wait

I need helppp."

As that guard turned looking at her, Maya thanked her stars for being a little considerate towards her. As she and the guard approached each other, Maya instinctively went near him as she said while looking back seeing the goon appear at the end of the same corridor with a gun in his hand;

" Please help me..

We need to call the police

That man over there is armed and is trying to kill the chief guest..!!

Hes dangerous..!! We need to stop him.

Please help me..! "

Maya managed to say as she pointed at the goon who by now came even more closer to them.

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