Part 11 - Changes

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Part 11

Maya POV

" I checked your room, the kitchen and the entire villa as well and you were nowhere to be found..!!! I.... "

Nicholas says, actually he literally accuses me. So to prevent any further drama from any of our sides , I ask with small doubt, since he said that he checked the entire villa ;

" Did you check your room Nicholas..!!??? "

Now I can see him getting alert with my words.

" Yaa right...

Check my room...!!!!!!!!


He says in a mocking tone.

RUN AWAY...!!!!!!!!!!!

Who the hell told that man I ran away???
Is he out of his mind or what??

Though i should and can run away because of his behaviour .

But for now I don't really have any such type of plan going on in my mind..

Now it's confirmed I'm married to a crazy guy.

So he checked my room, the kitchen and the entire villa as well...!!!

Yet he thought that I've run away.

Finally getting hold of the picture going on his mind, i fold my hands on my chest as i speak again in an equally mocking tone ;

" You should have checked your room, maybe because the woman you married a week ago, is not like you who likes to make others worried by staying out late at night without informing anyone..

Maybe if you would have checked or atleast have gone in your room, I'm very sure that you would have noticed the note that I stuck on your mirror saying that I'm getting back to work and may return late tonight...!!!!!!! "

And GOAL..!!!!

I see Nicholas' facial expressions change as he moves his eyes in with different kind of feel in them.

I've finally successfully taunted him like the way he has ever since we've got married.

And I continue;

" And as far as I remember, someone said that as long as I stay out of his life, way and business, I can do whatever i want as he gives a damn about me...!!!

So what happened to all of that??? ''

He now looks at me with an absolutely uninterested expression as he finally speaks :

" Just because I came here looking for you, don't start assuming things..!!!!

Our wedding is still very much fake and unimportant to me just like you existance is in my life. The only reason why I'm here is just that I needed your signatures on some important papers.

So get off from the 9th cloud you're high on..!!!!

And instead of leaving a note like old fashion people, couldn't you just send me a text, or just simply tell the maids that you'll be late or something like that to inform me about this?? "

Yaa right..

When I tried telling him directly, he had no time to listen to me. Then Gracy called telling to hurry up as they are late with the arrangements of the fund raising event as it has been scheduled 2 days later. Leaving us now less than 48 hours to make all the preparations.

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