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Credit to Clove_Thenardier for the name Ragilora, which she probably intended as a joke, but I've latched on to it and it's better than just going "*vague hand wave* the world

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Credit to Clove_Thenardier for the name Ragilora, which she probably intended as a joke, but I've latched on to it and it's better than just going "*vague hand wave* the world..."

So. Ragilora is the canon-non-canon name for the planet all my books take place on, because I'm one of those authors and all my separate novel series take place on the same planet.

Ragilora = Radiant, Girl's Guide, Loralei, Avia

It gives the planet a name and is also a handy acronym to remember the order of over two-thousand years of history!

This is going to be a REALLY VAGUE timeline because I suck at writing out information in a cohesive way, so if you have any more specific questions don't hesitate to ask! MORE EVENTS WILL BE ADDED AFTER I FINISH GG AND BEFORE I WRITE LORELEI.

BGG = "Before Girl's Guide"

GG = "Girl's Guide" (obviously)

AGG = "After Girl's Guide"


Ascent of Movalissa - Noxian religious texts set 3,145BGG as the year of Movalissa and Parlahk's rise to become Ragilora's moons.

RADIANT - All the events of my novel Radiant and its potential spin-off/sequel take place on the continent of Siaboras around 2,200BGG ["wow, that's pretty ancient!" this will make more sense when I eventually post the rewritten version.]

Demon Extinction - around 1,950BGG, the warlike race known as demons is hunted/culled to extinction. Most of their history is purposely erased and their language, Tevkal, is lost to history.

The Calamity of Siaboras - around 1800BGG Siaboras pulls an Atlantis and sinks into the sea. The Halcyon people (angels) survived by migrating to the mountains of Aeterna, and the wealthiest Argarians (humans) migrated to Canthor. It is believed the majority of the Shesnavean people (vampires) died out at this time.

Vampire Extinction - The last known sighting of a Shesnavi, in Canthor around 1600BGG.

The Canthic Warring Period - from 1700BGG to 1,000BGG Canthor is made up of several warring states, constantly fighting for territory and prestige. This period ended with the formation of Lumina, a kingdom built of several western Canthic states. Canthor remained a separate kingdom from Lumina for a few hundred more years.

The First Lumo-Ignean Alliance - 647BGG Lumina's King Reyalt Lousvar makes an alliance with King Steffan Danthragnir of Ignus in the hopes of gaining aid for an invasion of Canthor.

Lumina's Completion - 640BGG, with Ignus's aid, Lumina fights a rather short war and absorbs Canthor into itself. Ignus claims the mountain range that lines the border of Canthor (now Eastern Lumina) and Ignus.

Dissolution of the First Lumo-Ignean Alliance - 317BGG, Luminous soldiers capture and kill a young dragon who set a Luminous village on fire. Ignus dissolved the Alliance.

The Second Lumo-Ignean Alliance - 233BGG, Ignus is invaded by the neighboring nation of Fiametta and requests Lumina's aid in pushing back the attackers. Lumina agrees in exchange for large shipments of glasswork, chocolate, and other Ignean comodeties to Lumina.

Dissolution of the Second Lumo-Ignean Alliance - 151BGG, Lumina tries to take back the mountains of Ignus. Ignus pushes them back and dissolves the Alliance yet again. Ignus becomes a completely isolationist kingdom.

A QUEEN'S GUIDE - The events of the novella A Queen's Guide to Love and War begin in 38BGG and end 26BGG. The Third Lumino-Ignean Alliance is forged by the marriage of Prince Jareth Lousvar and Princess Amaranth Danthragnir during this tumultuous time.

The Fall of Ignus - 12BGG, Lumina dissolves the alliance with Ignus and announces their war on the whole Realm Under Twin Shadows by ambushing and slaughtering the majority of Ignus's people. Any dragons found in the six year period after the invasion are either killed immediately or captured.

Lumina's Great War - 12BGG to 6BGG, King Jareth Lousvar claims control of Ignus, a vast chunk of the wildlands, the Siaboran islands, and a large portion of Nox. The rights of all non-human individuals in Luminous territory are stripped. More commonly known as the Orphaner's War.

GIRL'S GUIDE - The events of all three Girl's Guide books take place during the years 2BGG to 3GG. Also includes what is referred to by a shocking majority as "Lumina's Great War 2: Electric Boogaloo" (most Ragiloran historians are unsure where this term originated, or what the words "electric" and "boogaloo" mean.)

The Fourth Lumo-Ignean Alliance - A marriage unites the noble houses of Lousvar and Danthragnir. 5AGG.

Birth of "Marcellic Power" - 8AGG. Named for "the father of modern technology," marcellic power (aka solar-powered electricity) is invented in a university in northern Lumina, kicking of Lumina's industrial revolution, where magitech began developing at an alarming rate and continued advancing for the next several decades. Global Implementation of marcellic power began in 12AGG.

"The Ascent" - the winter of 19AGG, in a strange event, massive landmasses of the Eupemian empire broke free and rose into the air, the occupying Eupemian citizens (and Luminous settlers on Eupemia's southern tip) included. Attempts by Igneans and other flying species to reach the landmasses were thwarted by a poisonous rust-colored mist that poured from the land masses.

GUY'S GUIDE - The events of the gg spin-off A Guy's Guide to Getting Home take place during the year 21AGG.

The Lumo-Noxian War - 78AGG to 80AGG, Following the death of Queen Iolanthe, Nox declares war on Lumina (and subsequently it's sister nation Ignus.) Nox is defeated and its monarchy is toppled.

Formation of the Lumo-Eyadic Alliance - 102AGG, a Luminous princess is wed to the crown prince of Eyaden, forming the first trans-oceanic alliance in modern Ragiloran history.

LORELEI - 127AGG, the events of the novel Lorelei take place on the continent of Eyaden.

The Golden Age of Piracy - 120AGG to 146AGG, piracy runs rampant across Ragilora, specifically it's eastern island nations (such as Eupemia, Melotto, Fiametta, Manann, Doone, and Kevin the Turtle) The fearsome, bloodthirsty crew of the Cinder Kiss is one of history's most notable pirate crews.

AVIA - 350AGG to 356AGG the events of the novella series The Elemei Saga take place.

SECONDHAND SORROWS - 782AGG the events of the novella Secondhand Sorrows takes place in a cyberpunk Lumina. This story focuses on the final incarnations of Movalissa and Parlahk.

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