Interview With A Dinosaur

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Since Clove sent me like, almost thirty questions in one massive chunk and some answers were coming out as over a paragraph, I figured it would be easier to respond like this rather than try to break it all up into comments. 

So here we are with an accidental interview hosted by Clove.


Q) How old were you when you first got the idea for Avia?  

A) The basest idea for Avia came from reading Maximum Ride in 6th grade, but this version is so far removed from that that I almost feel weird referring to it as a different version of the same story, but it technically is. The original title was "Wing" It morphed into a kh fanfic by the time I started attempting to write it seriously. So... however old I was in 6th grade.

Q) How old were you when you first got the idea for GG? 

A) GG didn't come about until I was in 7th grade and got RIDICULOUSLY into Kingdom Hearts. Everything about GG was KH based for about two years of writing it, and it didn't evolve into its own thing or even recognizable as the story you know now until I was in eighth/ninth grade. I was 12/13 when I started the fanfic version. (which, by the way, I rediscovered a little while ago on fanpop. It's really awful.) 

Q) You've established that some of the earlier aspects of both series were shared (like I believe you mentioned before Maggie and Elle were once called Claire and Hadyn, Lark was once called Kindle, things like that), so when did those stories really develop into separate entities in your mind?  

A) Funny story, they mainly just shared names because I was unoriginal and obsessed with the name Claire, despite always being seperate stories in my mind. I recycled names while writing A LOT. Original Kindle (in proto-GG) was named Lark and Original Lark (in proto-Avia) was named Kindle, but I gave up on Avia when I got really into kh, so I stole the name Kindle from that because I liked it better. Other names I used a lot: Serenity, Aereya, Solana, Hana. (Additional funfact that just punched me in the gut: Lydia's original name when I first came up with the idea for her character was Zola. Don't ask me what made me remeber it, but I've been trying to for years.) 

Q) When did you decide to do a single world for a bunch of fantasy stories?  

A) I imagined Radiant as happening in GG's world pretty early on, once I determined that GG was going to be its own thing and not a fanfiction. Later once i reworked Avia into a non-earth setting, I was like "you know what, this could totally be in that same world." Lorelei was always intended to be set in the same world. Idk how much you remember of the first partial draft of Lorelei I put up, but the prince from that, Sayoran, his mom is actually a Luminous princess. 

Q) Who are your favorite and least favorite characters in GG and Avia?  

A) Favorites and least favorites, I'll limiting myself to three faves and two least faves, because otherwise I'd be listing half the AO as favorites. So. 

Faves: Lydia, Elle, Faye. Hadyn, Sylva, Kayah (Yeah. I said it.) 

Least Faves: Jakoby and Favaro. Alison and... the other least fave is spoilers.

Q) If you were given the choice to kill either Alison or Lydia but not both who would you kill?  

A) Oof, this is hard. Because killing Lydia would be so good for the characters she makes suffer, but I love her so much... And then Alison, I'm not partcularly fond of her and killing her would also be helpful to the other characters so actually... yeah no, this isn't nearly as hard a choice as I expected. Killin' Alison, sorry everyone in GG who's lives are continuing to suck because I'm far too attached to my villain...

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