Ragilora Q&A

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The section Clove will make me regret adding, here's a Q&A section where you can ask me anything you want about my characters, world, plots, or writing process.

If it's not clear from your wording, please specify which story you're asking about.

If you ask a question that answering would lead to spoiling something I haven't posted/written yet, I will tell you so and not answer. (So please don't ask me things like "does so-and-so die?" You can however ask more vague questions like "how many characters in Avia die?")

In-line your questions HERE pls


For anyone who doesn't have a lot of questions in mind but still wants to join in asking, here's a list of example questions I pulled off Tumblr. Just comment a "bloop" or a character name if there's a blank in line next to a question if you want to see my answer to it.

- What kind of parent would [BLANK] be?

- What's something [BLANK] does for fun that might be surprising?

- What would [BLANK's] D&D Allignment be? 

- What sort of dreams/nightmares does [BLANK] have? 

- 'Girl do you have any book ideas that don't take place in Ragilora?' 

- Who is Rappy's favorite character in GG/Avia?

- Any funny changes between the concept and current version of GG/Avia? 

- If [BLANK] was a Shifter, what animal would they be? 

- What's the current wordcount of GG/Avia? 

- What's the endgame wordcount goal of GG/Avia? 

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