Chapter 21: Burning Trash? Uh, yeah, I Sure Hope He is.

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The first match of the finals between Midoriya Izuku and Shinsou Hitoshi had officially started, and from what Kula could tell it fight end without a fight. Currently, Midoriya was walking to the edge of the stadium, his face void of all emotion.

"What's he doing?" Mika asked from beside Kula as she watched the round.

"I don't blame him personally, that Shinsou guy looks kinds scary." Kishi muttered.

"Ah, you're scared of almost everyone." Mika said, "He just looks extremely tired, like Eraser Head. Honestly, I don't blame him. What I'm concerned about is that Midoriya's heading straight out of bounds, maybe it's Shinsou's quirk?"

"Maybe? But what could it be? A commanding quirk? Brainwashing maybe?"

"Probably mind control." Mika answered.

Kula glanced at the two as they started talking about what possible support devices might help him. Wanting to join in on the conversation, but also not feeling like she would be welcome into it, Kula stood up from her seat to wonder the halls of the stadium once again. Thinking about it, she probably would of been welcome into the conversation, but Kula felt as if she didn't feel like she would fit in.

"Kula! Wait!" Kishi shouted running up to her and making her turn around. "I've been meaning to ask you about this since the Calvary Battle, but you kept on disappearing and then it slipped from my mind and then I got distracted and then—"

"Kishi, I don't have all day." Kula said as she rolled her eyes. "You seriously need to stop rambling."

"A-ah! Right, I'm working on that, but not the question! During the battle, your cheeks, or blush I guess, was gold! Is that part of your quirk?"

Kula didn't want to deal with Kishi trying to figure out her quirk, so she just sighed and turned back around, "I don't know, you decide that." She answered before she started walking away again, her hands in her pockets with her nails digging into her palms as she thought about her quirk. Taking in a deep breath before letting it out, she calmed herself down slightly and started to wonder around the stadium.

As she was walking, her phone buzzed and she pulled it out of her pocket, seeing that Kishi had texted her.

Annoying Sunshine
Ahh! You missed the best part of the battle!!!!

Hm, and that was?

Annoying Sunshine
Midoriya broke out of his trance by sending out a
giant shockwave and breaking two of his fingers!!!
Then he flipped Shinso over his shoulder and got him
out of bounds!!!!

That's hardcore. I didn't think that guy could
do something like that

Annoying Sunshine
I know right!! Oh The second battle is coming up!!

I'll keep you updated on what happenes!


With that, Kula put her phone back in her pocket, looking around to see where she had walked to. It seemed as if she was standing near one of the entrances to get onto the field, though it seemed like she wasn't alone. Around the corner a heterochromatic boy was walking onto the field— Kula assumed his battle was next, though what caught her attention was a hero leaning against the wall, the number two hero, Endevor, to be exact.

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