Chapter 37: Overtime

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Kula was following around Hiroji as he gave her a in depth tour of the building, until she was shown the lab she would be working in. Kula had no words. The machinery was state of the art and everyone working there were either focused or chatting happily with coworkers. The machinery in the room was state of the art and some of the products she was seeing were recognizable as updated support items that big time Pro Heroes use.

"This is where I'll be?" Kula asked after a moment of silence.

Hiroji let out a small laugh, "Of course! Well, for the first half of your internships. The second half I'll let you intern in a department of your choosing. But I'll give you more information about that later. For now I want you to meet the head of the Mechanical department." The two of them had continued walking through the lab and were now at the closed door of a back office. He knocked on the door and after a minute or two it opened, the smell of oil and something burning hitting Kula's nose.

"Morning Miss Tanabie!" Hiroji greeted.

The woman, Tanabie, removed her goggles from over her eyes, red marks from where the rims of her glasses had just been sitting.

"It's morning already?" She asked. "I could of sworn it was 10 at night an hour ago."

"Lost track of time again, didn't you?" Hiroji said, then placed a hand on Kula's shoulder, the teen flinching slightly at the contact. "This here is Kula, she's the intern from U.A that will be working with us this week."

Tanabie tilted her head before gasping in surprise, "Oh! That's today isn't it? Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Kula. My name is Ayami Tanabie. I'm the head of the Mechanical Department."

"Well, I trust Miss Tanabie to tell you everything you need to know while you're here. Pleasure meeting you and I hope you learn as much as you can in your time here. Toodles!" He waved and turned on his heel, whistling quietly as he made his way out of the lab area.

Kula turned from Hiroji to Tanabie, the woman looking down at her with a grin. "After this week, you're going to know everything that goes into making hero costumes! Who knows, maybe you'll be able to make a costume all on your own!"

Kula smiled and nodded, "I promise to learn everything I can."

Later, Kula followed Tanabie through the lab, listening as she explained all that the mechanical department worked on all of the support gear for hero costumes. She also told Kula that they were one of the companies U.A contracted with to make the hero costumes for all the students in the Hero Course.

After the explanation, Kula was led around on another tour— though this one specified on the Mechanics lab. Kula learned about all the nooks and crannies of the place. Where scrap metal and tools for basic support gear, where there were scrapped ideas from other costumes that could be put into future use, the records of each and every costume made at the company, she knew where everything in the lab could be found. It was everything and more than what Kula could hope for.

Tanabie talked with Kula and got to know her better after the tour— leaving her with the promise that she would be able to work on some inventions bright and early tomorrow before she led Kula to a back room where there were some beds for those scientists who needed a nap after spending hours upon hours on an invention.

"Sleep well! I'll come wake you in the morning, though, if you get the need to build, you know where everything is."

Kula just nodded, excitement welling up in her at the idea of the possibility of working on support gear an actual pro hero might use in the future.

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