Chapter 51: Unexpected Words

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Kula, along with the rest of the group, were led down to the reception hall where they received gratitudes from the people attending the gala. Kula had lost count on how many handshakes she had received and by the end of it her head was spinning with names.

Kula ended up collapsing in a chair near the back of a room, letting out a breath of fresh air. Taking the time, she grabbed her phone from her dress pocket and turned it on, pure dread filling every inch of her body.

39 missed calls from "Guardian."
45 missed Texts from "Guardian."

Kula sat in the chair, staring at her phone as she died a little on the inside. If anyone were watching they would of sworn they saw her spirit leave her body and rise up into the sky.

"Everything okay?" Mika asked, walking up to the girl.

"Mika, kill me now. Please" Kula said.

"Woah, you okay?" Mika asked.

"Does it look like I'm okay?" Kula asked, showing her phone to Mika, where she would be able to see the notifications.

"Guardian? Is that-" she was cut off by Kula nodding, "Oh. You're so dead."

"I know. He said to call him every three hours. But the reception was cut off and I just... You have to help me write my Will." Just then her phone buzzed and Kula looked at the screen, a new message from Aizawa.

We're going to talk once you get home.

Kula's head dropped as she thought of all the ways she would be killed. Hell, he might even find someone who could temporarily revive her only to kill her again. She let out a sigh and stood up, "Well, looks like this is it for me. It's been good being your girlfriend."

"I think you're blowing this a bit out of proportion. He... probably... won't kill you."

Kula groaned, knowing that she had to text him back so he knew she was alive. She unlocked her phone and started typing.



Returning back to Japan was the last thing Kula wanted to do, but here she was, walking with Mika and the others of the group through the I-Island airport.

"Well, this sure was a trip I'll remember." Kula said, walking a bit behind the group alongside Mika.

"You're right about that." Mika said, walking with her hands on the back of her neck. "But it was kinda fun."

"Fun? Mika, we almost died."

"Yeah, but the fighting and the action! I feel badass while fighting those robots! She stretched, a wide grin on her face. "If I didn't want to build support gear, I bet I would of made a badass hero. I'd be Firework Woman!"

Kula immediately covered her mouth, a few muffled laughs making their way out. "That name's worse than what I name my inventions." She snickered.

Mika elbowed Kula lightly, "Then just be glad I choose to work on Support Gear."

Kula smiled, chuckling slightly "Yeah yeah. Now let's hurry up. At this pace we're going to miss out plane."

The plan ride consisted mostly of sleeping, and it ended up going by faster than what Kula had expected. All too soon she found herself walking to baggage claim to get her checked luggage before meeting up with Aizawa so they could head back to his apartment.

Once she got to the baggage claim the suitcases were already starting to come out— luckily for her and Mika their suitcases were one of the first ones that came up so they didn't have to wait long at all. With that, they parted ways. Mika's parents had hired a service to drive her home, and the guy was already standing near the doors with a sign.

"I'll see you later." Kula said.

Mika nodded, though before she walked away she leaned forwards and planted a kiss on Kula's cheek. "A little goodbye gift, until we see each other again."

"R-Right." Kula said, placing her hand where mika had just kissed, her cheeks warming up.

Mika grinned, "I'll see you later, cutie."

With that she walked away and met up with the man holding the sign for her. With one final wave, Mika left the airport, leaving Kula standing by the baggage claim alone, until Aizawa texted her telling her that he was there.


The ride home was quiet. No, not just quiet. It was absolutely, painstakingly silent. No words were spoken, no music or news was playing, the only sounds that could be heard were the sounds of the road and the cars as they passed by.

Once they got back, Kula grabbed her stuff out of the trunk and and dropped them off in her room, taking a break to pet Nugget as the brown tabby pressed his head against her hand and purred. She glanced towards her doorway. She knew Aizawa was waiting for her to have a talk. But just walking out of her room felt like she was marching to her death.

"I'm waiting." Aizawa called out and Kula took a deep breath.

He wasn't going to kill her— hopefully. She just had to go out there and face whatever he had to say. This isn't worth the amount of anxiety that's been building up in her. Of course not. She was going to be completely fine.

Kula stepped out of the room and met up with Aizawa in the living room, standing in front of him her eyes on the ground.

"I know you're probably pissed that I didn't call, but there's a reason-" Kula started, only to stop when a hand was placed on the top of her head, gently ruffling her hair.

"I'm glad you're alright, kid." He said.

Kula's eyes widened, and she looked up at Aizawa, "W-what do you mean? You're not mad?"

"I was, but then I saw the news. It was irrational of my students to drag you into something like that." He said. "You don't have any training. You could of gotten killed."

Well, I wouldn't say I had no training. Kula thought, But he doesn't need to know that. Kula looked up at him a childish grin spreading across her face, "So, what you're saying is that you were worried about me."

Aizawa scoffed and removed his hand, walking over to the kitchen. "Don't be irrational. You've been placed in my care until you graduate. If something had happened to you it would of looked bad on me."

Kula grinned. "Yeah. Sure." She said, rolling her eyes. "Well, I'm going to take a nap. I'm exhausted." She walked to her room and shut the door a sigh escaping her.

It's good to be home.

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