Chapter 35: I choose You-!

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The list of companies were almost overwhelming for Kula. She was sitting next to Mika and Kishi who where also looking over their lists.

"Hoovr Inc." Kula said, her eyes scanning over each company that was listed, "Looks like they deal with hovering and flying gear."

"Probably wanted you for your Hoverboard." Mika stated.

"Yeah." Kula looked up, seeing that Mika was now leaning back with her hands on the back of her head and balancing a pencil on her upper lip. "Have you decided already?"

Mika put her head down and letting the pencil drop onto the table. "Yup! Pyro Tech. They focus on support gear that involve fire. I think that's right down my alley."

"Oh! Of course! That's a perfect fit for you Mika!" Kishi exclaimed with starry eyes, then he looked down at his own list. "I don't know who I should go with. Nobody requested me since I didn't get that far." He rested his head on the table and sighed, "Those robots were scary." He muttered.

"Then be glad you aren't a hero course student. I heard from my upperclassmen friends that they're facing those same robots for their final exams." Mika said.

Beside the table the three were sitting at a boy with styled blonde hair slowed to a stop, glanced at their table then grinned before he started walking again. Kula just shook her head and brought her attention back to the two at the table.

"You're good at building defense type support items, I bet there's a company that works with those." Mika suggested.

"You're right, hmmm, maybe I can intern with these people, Crown Defense." He grinned and perked up, "Thanks Mika! You're the best!"

"Don't mention it Ki." Mika said with a grin, "Now, for the star of the support class, Who're you thinking of going with, K?"

Kula shrugged. "Don't know." Tons of companies had requested her, and looking over each company would take a lot of time, but she wanted to intern under the best company for her. She a felt presence close to her and she looked besides her to see Mika leaning towards her and looking at her list. Kula held her breath at how close the two of them were.

"Wow, there are some top tier companies here. Not a surprise considering you beat out most of the hero course students during the matches." She said.

Kula sighed, "I need to do research looking through these. I'll fill it out once I get to Mr. Aiz- once I get home." Kula said, catching herself.

"Mr. Aiz?" Kishi asked, tilting her head curiously. "Who's that?"

"Nobody that concerns you." Kula said coldly.

"Meanie." Kishi pouted.

Kula just shrugged and took a bite out of the chicken— she had to admit, Lunch Rush made some amazing chicken. Soon, the talk of the internships dissolved into a casual conversation, and Kula found herself enjoying the company of her two classmates.


After school, Kula was sitting in Aizawa's living room, looking through the list and searching them up on her phone. She had managed to narrow it down to three places. One company focused on making support items that could help someone fly, or get places high up. The second company focused on making defense support gear. The last one focused on creating hero costumes for heroes all across Japan.

Picking up the paper, she listed the three companies on the their list, and leaned back on the couch, holding the paper loosely in her hand. "Well, we'll see what I get." She muttered.


A few days had passed and soon it was Monday. She had worked extra hours at Ms. Ito's shop and ended up having to be dragged home by Aizawa at around 9:50 the night before— mentioning something about a curfew and villains being more active at night which left her at more of a risk at the League of finding her. Though his muttering was better than the earful she had gotten from Ms. Ito when she got to the shop.

"I can't believe you." Miss. Ito said, a look of concerned rage on her face.

"What are you...?" Kula asked.

"I listed myself as your emergency contact, dear. I was called when you went to that school bloody and beaten because of your parents. Kula, why didn't you say anything? I would of done something." She reached forwards and placed a hand on Kula's cheek, the younger girl flinching slightly at the contact, causing Ms. Ito to look at her with even more concern.

"I didn't think to mention it. I guess I didn't want to burden you-"

"Burden me? Kula, you are the granddaughter I never had. Anything that includes you could never burden me. Please, if anything happens to you in the future, I want to to call me. I'll do anything I can to make things better."

Kula looked at Ms. Ito, a small smile on her face. "Thank you."

At the front of the classroom, Power Loader called attention to everyone, breaking Kula out of her thoughts. "Alright, you all know where you're going to intern at, the papers I've just passed out are the addresses to the companies you all are going to intern at. As a class, we're going to go down to the station and each of you will be catching the train to each of your respective towns. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir!" The class shouted.

"Alright, get ready everyone. For the next week you'll be improving your knowledge on support gear and brooding your perspective. Keep your minds open and remember that you can never stop improving."

Kula nodded and everyone got up and walked out of the classroom. As she walked, Kula glanced down at the address she was given.

Shield Costumes
Tokyo, Hosu City

"Guess I'm going to Hosu."

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