one ✔

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    A z u r e

  I log onto my computer after a long day of work, sighing while remembering the previous long, and torturous hours.

   My boss decided that I, the assistant, should do all his work that is required for the company, instead of doing my formal job; answering his phone calls and making coffee.

  Logging onto a familiar chat room site, I type in my username: Purdy1995 It's not exactly the most creative username, but serves its purpose.

   I click onto a chat room titled, "We R Princesses."

      LittleBanana: eyyyy, we've got a newbie!

      J4579: Sup, Purdy1995.

      Purdy1995: Why is the chat called, "We R Princesses"?

      LittleBanana: Why wouldn't it?

      Purdy1995: ....

      LittleBanana: Exactly what I thought, betch.

      Purdy1995: Let me guess, you are girls, and you think I'm a guy, right?

      LittleBanana: Well, I have a dick.

      Purdy1995: Then why is your name "LittleBanana"? :3

      LittleBanana: Fuck...

     Purdy1995: Exactly what I thought :p

     LittleBanana: Did you run out of ways to spell pretty?

     Purdy1995: It's my last name, dickwad.

     LittleBanana: Damn, it was just a question, no need to go all PMS mode on me.

     Purdy1995: Of course you'd go there.You make me want to stab myself with a fork.

     LittleBanana: You definitely know how to make someone feel amazing about themselves.

      J4579: Well... you guys have fun talking to each other, I'm going to leave..

      Purdy1995: Waitwaitwait

      Purdy1995: Don't leave me!

            J4579 has left the conversation.

      LittleBanana: Looks like it's just us ;)

      Purdy1995: I'm rolling my eyes at you.

      LittleBanana: What color are these eyes that you're rolling? ♡.♡

      Purdy1995: Shit brown.


How's the first chapter? I swear it gets better :)

  I figured LittleBanana would be a great *insert sarcasm here* username for Harry.

    The pace will pick up more as the story continues. I'm not sure if this is going to be a short story or not :S


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