eight ✔

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Whoops, early update. Hello again! c:

WARNING: very short [, sorry.]

This is going to be a filler chapter, so it's not too "good"

H a r r y

       It's raining. This is probably the most inconvenient thing to happen to me in the last 3 weeks. Azzie hasn't talked to me in a week since her last email. I've already tried spamming her email, and I wouldn't be surprised if she blocked me. 

       The worst part about her ignoring me is that I can see what her facial expressions look like, she's right across from me and I can't even go over to talk to her without giving away my identity or without her scoffing and walking the other direction. 

      I've decided to take away a week of work to relax and get my head wrapped around things. Am I upset that she's ignoring me? Pretty much. Am I going to confront her about it? Hell no. 

      How would Azzie even react if I told her that I'm "LittleBanana"? Would she stop talking to me altogether, or would she look past how I'm the owner of the same type of company across from her?

       I decide to email Azzie one last time, just in case.

       To: azziepurdy95@gmail.com

       Subject: Babeeee

       Azzie, I do wish that you're alright. I haven't known you for long to earn the right to care about you, but that's just how I work. I care about people. Where have you gone? What have I done? If it was about the last email you sent, we can look over it, alright? I just miss talking to you. 

         Who would've thought that I would turn into a sap. But do you know why I turned? It was because of you. You make me do things that I would  never think to do. 

          I do wish that you're alright.


       I sigh, not even bothering to look over the email so I don't have second thoughts. Not even 2 minutes go by and I get an email, my eyes widening and I smile.


         From: azziepurdy95@gmail.com

         Subject: BLANK

         Who are you and why are you talking to my girlfriend and calling her babe? If you don't stop sending her messages, I will find you (A/N: and I will kill you.) and make you stop, got it?


         My lips part in shock. He must be the reason why she isn't responding to me, her boyfriend is the angry and aggressive jealous type. Well, fuck.


-Hi! It feels so good to be updating this, you have no idea.

-This part just literally popped into my head and I had to type it.

-Hope you guys don't mind the update being early.

-ily all



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