Chapter 11: Overwatch vs Umbrella vs Talon

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Reaper's POV

I am sitting quietly while waiting to reach our destination, we manage to track down a member of Umbrella and we forced him to tell us everything about his organization and after that, I killed him...

Flashback (Yesterday)

I stood behind the shadows in the interrogation room while hearing out the coward member of Umbrella as he spill everything he knew about it...

Man:"That's all I know!" he said as I groan in dissatisfy and walked to the single light in the room

Doomfist and Widowmaker is also in the room while Sombra is trying to hack through the Umbrella firewall to steal information...

Reaper:"You didn't tell us about your leader?" I said scaring him further

Man:"S-Spencer! Oswell Spencer is the president of Umbrella! I-If you want to know about his right hand man... Then.. I-I can tell you about him...Just please let me live!" he said in fear with tears

Reaper:"*Points Shotgun to his Head* Speak!" I said while pointing the shotgun at his head

Man:"Y-Y-Y/N Wesker! Y/N Wesker is the right hand man of Spencer! I don't know much about him but he is not the kind of man to be on his bad side! Rumors said that he is some sort of a type of a new superior human being! That's all!" he said quickly

Doomfist:"Y/N Wesker? What so special about him, except for the 'superior human being' part" he said with his arms cross while leaning his back on the wall

Man:"We.... We actually didn't saw him in action but in a week, he began to have special soldiers at his side... That's all!" he said as Doomfist sighs in annoyance

Reaper:"Now.... You're no use to us anymore" I said as I point the shotgun between his eyes



Reaper:"Sombra, did you manage to hack through the firewall" I said and turn to her direction

Sombra:"I can't hack through all the files as if like there is a firewall that can even stop me from hacking through it. But, I did manage to hack on their recent folder" she said as she taps on the hologram and the folder opens to show a briefcase that holds most of Umbrellas secret files that is now being escorted to somewhere in Germany... as Doomfist looks at it...

Doomfist:"This will probably too important for Umbrella... We need to get it than let them have it" he said as I nodded

Reaper:"Ready the others! We're leaving in 30 minutes!" I said at the talon trooper as he saluted and left the room

Flashback Ended

I heard the pilot said that we're almost to our destination... I readied my shotguns and walked my way down near the ramp...

Reaper:"Death comes for all" I said as the dropship began to descend to the ground...

Meanwhile At Overwatch Dropship

Soldier 76's POV

I loaded my rifle ready, Winston said that there is an illegal operation about transferring information without the government knowing about it... Winston, Tracer, Mercy, Genji, Hanzo and I are in the dropship as Tracer is the one piloting it and leading us to the destination

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