Arriving at White Rose

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King Zaliver POV

Sitting in an SUV with my Beta and 2 of my warriors and, my mind was wandering all over the place. Thinking of when I can go back to my home and pack to when will I find my Mate. I'm 23 years old, I should have found my mate at the age of 16 but no luck. I've gone to every pack to find her but nothing. She-wolves all dress up and it is not appealing. My Beta Carlos was texting on his phone very fast and had a serious face on. "Why the serious face, is there a problem?"

"What, oh no your Majesty. Just checking up on things." He looks up from his phone saying his. Before he said anything else, the driver tells us that we are on the edge of White Rose pack.

 It is the second biggest and strongest pack in the country, with us, the Royal pack, the first. Mine and this pack are close in distance and also the friendliest. Some or most wolves for guards have come from this pack. Their training is just as good as mine. Also that I was close to the former Alpha, our alliance was the strongest out of all the packs, well since we are almost alike.

 When I heard the news about the attack and the passing of him and his mate. I was saddened that I wasn't at my pack. But I don't think it would have mattered since it was sudden and was quickly taken care of. Which was strange as soon as luna and alpha were killed they retreated. I couldn't come to the funeral since I was so far out or was I out of the country, I can't remember.

"You looking forward to seeing your younger half brother?" I ask as they haven't seen each other since the last alpha meeting.

"Yeah I am but we are working. Haven't got time to chit chat."

"I'm sure you can catch up while we are here. We are not exactly far from home."

"Whatever, your Majesty". Going back to his phone with a bad mood. The car has stopped by this time and warriors from White Rose are surrounding the car and the one in front. One of the ones in front gives a nod and moves with the others to follow. The cars move with the speed they are going at.

The area here is always nice with the trees lining the way to the packhouse and they have the wildest flowers out of all the packs I have been to. They really do care for their nature and surrounding areas. While it was seeing the natures of the pack, it soon turns to houses and lots of hustle and bustle of pack life. The more we get to the packhouse the more of the pack members are looking at the cars and muttering to each other.

The packhouse has vines with white roses coming out of them, hence the name. It's 3 stories high with steps leading to the front door. On these steps, there are 3 people. 1 female and 2 males. The cars come to a halt and the warriors in the front car all get out and make a path for me to follow. The front 2 gets out next with Carlos following them. I could hear him saying who was in the car, which was me, to the crowd and when he said my name. He opens the door and I step out. 

The fresh air hits my face with a bit of mixture of honey and mint. Looking at the steps and noticed them watching me admire the packhouse. With that, I walked towards the pack house with Carlos walking behind me. I reached the bottom steps and noticed that everyone has bowed their heads to me. The female asked me how the journey was and I requested that to raise their heads and said it is fine. I also introduced Carlos.

The female who introduced herself as Lucinda told us that either side of her was her Gamma and Delta. She never introduced a Beta but I didn't have a problem with that. But it seems that Carlos had a problem with that. She decided that she was getting somebody to show us our rooms. I forgot their names off the she-wolves. When walking through the front door, I think I heard her Gamma comment on how the introductions went and for Carlos comment. Our rooms were on the 3rd floor which high-rank wolves are. The room is plain in a light blue, I don't mind, not really staying long. About 10 minutes familiarising myself in the room, I went to get Carlos and asked one of the females who brought us here to our rooms to show us where the Alpha office is.

The Alpha office is on the second floor and 3 doors down on the right from the stairs. When we reached it, I thanked the female, then she left and then knocked on the door. I hear a come in from behind it. So I opened the door before Carlos got to the handle. Looking around the office, you can clearly see the difference between a male and female Alpha. It doesn't look like a bomb had hit it. Behind the oak desk sat Alpha Lucinda with both of the males on her left. The right side lays empty which is for her Beta. "Hello again Alpha King, please have a seat," Lucinda says in a sweet voice that angels may send from the heavens while gesturing a chair that's in front of her desk.

"Thank you, Alpha Lucinda," I reply taking a seat and Carlos is standing on my right.

"My Beta should be here soon but while we wait do you want to look through anything or require anything to eat or drink?" Lucinda suggests.

"Some tea would be lovely and I would like to see the reports on your females please."

"Of course." She replies and shuffles through her neat papers and finds what she is looking for. when she finds it, she hands it to me and my fingers accidentally brush over hers. Little shots of electricity shoot through my fingers and quickly hold the file. I looked at her face and she looked quite taken back by what just happened. I don't think anyone noticed. Nosing through the file and taking what's on it, the door opens the smell of tea wafts into the room. "Thank you, Grace, for bringing it quickly. Also, have you seen Devon around the house and I can't seem to link him and Olie tried to ring him but he's not answering."

"I'm sorry dear but I haven't. Have you tried Abigail?" The female Grace replies.

"Of course, thanks, Grace. Oh and looking forward to what you girls have made!"

"Your welcome dear and I hope you all do. Now excuse me I'll be off." She leaves with a bow. Giving a questing look to Lucinda but she doesn't notice as she's in deep thought. Then the door bursts open and a male is standing there.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN DEVON!" She shouts. The 2 males on her left are looking very smug and suppressing a laugh. I'm guessing that's the missing Beta and Carlos half brother.

Female Alpha LucindaWhere stories live. Discover now