Question Time

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Zaliver POV

Seeing Lucinda in that bed has upset my wolf, to which he has been on and on about wanting to get his revenge on the rogue, Harrison, for hurting her. I had to calm him down because we need him alive to answer questions about who, what, how and why he knows about the she-wolves.

Following Oliver to the stage of where I have been for the beheading of Devon and the rise of Gamma Oliver to Beta role. There was the whole pack and I noticed my own warriors standing near the front rows. The stage looked and felt empty without all the necessary people on it. Oliver took to the centre of the stage and ordered the pack to be silent.

"Welcome to this short noticed pack meeting but with recent events, I feel you need to be informed of what's been happening. The pack had rogues on the premises and they wanted to take over our pack. Their leader, who we have captured, had the decency to attack Alpha Lucinda. So our dear Alpha is in the pack hospital overcoming the attack. The leader was an ex-member of this very pack, Harrison. There is no need to feel threatened now, he is in the cells with the very best warriors looking out for him." Oliver took a breath and looked at Jupiter. Jupiter gave him the thumbs up. Oliver looked back onto the pack.

"Those who have already noticed, we are missing one other member of our pack. Delta River has not been counted for when he was at the borders. We feel that he was taken away from the fight or whatever plan they had going on. Until I and Gamma Jupiter have beaten the answers out of Harrison, we don't know where he would be. I would like all of you to be on guard and if anything is out of the ordinary, tell one of us. We are sending our trackers and more warriors will be posted at the borders of our territory. Any questions?" When nobody spoke up, Oliver spoke: "You are all dismissed."

Everyone left to go back to what they were doing and Oliver turned to me. "Shall, we go and beat some people?" He had a half-smile on his face.

I had the same half-smile on my own face. "Lead the way, Beta." He jumped from the stage with me and Jupiter in tow. The cells where they are being held are in the main packhouse. Down the steps to the smell of blood and death. I don't mind it because I have been in enough cells to last me a lifetime. I see that Oliver wasn't kidding that he had lots of guards down here. There weren't that many when I left to see him at the hospital. The cells we walk past are all empty.

About 3 cells from the end, there were a large number of warriors, with a few of mine. All 3 of us gathered in front of the cell. Chained to the wall with silver shackles and all beaten up was Harrison. I know Earl is in the end cell because of that where the next largest group was standing. "Well, well, look at what the dogs dropped by. It is the 3 sorry men of this place. The tale-tale beta, smart ass Gamma and the lousy King." Harrison says with his head down low but making his voice loud and clear.

"Watch your place, rogue." Oliver says in a low and threatening voice, turn to the nearest warrior, "Open the door." That is what the warrior did and in went the 3 of us. We didn't want to move him to the interrogation room, as you know he may try something. "What brings you back here?" Oliver starts. Harrison looks up.

"Well, can't a friend stop by and say hello. Or to pay my respects to the fallen Luna and Alpha of this pack."

"Cut the bull, answer the damn question truthfully?" Shouted Jupiter. He can be a serious person when needed.

"I apologise, I'm guessing you took Oliver's job since poor Devon can't be here to play the role of Beta. I wonder about this land because I just wanted to finish what I started all the years ago. But certain people get in the way and I am looking at them right now!" The 3 of us growled at him. "Ouch, I touched a touchy subject. Devon wanted revenge on the pack like me but his partnership was disappointing. Getting sussed out, not my type of person. You do know, there is one more person, who likes to help someone like me."

"Who and don't go round the dam bushes and straightforwardly tell us!" I sat, my patience running thin.

"Ugh, somebody needs a chill pill but I'll give you two people names and you can guess who it is. It can be either, Carlos or River. That's all I'm saying. Good luck, Ha-ha." He smirked because it was all a game for him. I looked at Oliver and he was just staring at him whereas Jupiter was itching to get out of the cell.

"Hey Oliver," He turned to me and I smirked at him, "I'm going to the other cell with Jupiter. Why don't you do what you promised the pack." A smile plastered on his face. So I took Jupiter by the arm and exited out of the cell. Walked to the cell that contained Earl. I heard a bone crack from Harrison, so Oliver is going all hell on him.

I asked Jupiter if he would like to come in the cell with me but he didn't. I don't blame him, he was held prisoner by this wolf. A Warrior opened the cell door and like Harrison, he sat on the floor with a silver chain on his wrists. He didn't start the convocation like his leader Harrison did, so I started with, "Earl, why the hell did you hold the Gamma hostage?"

"I didn't know he was the gamma at the time of the capture but he was an easy catch. He ran from the packhouse and we were there. Left a trail for the lady to follow and the rest is history." He responds without looking up in a dry voice.

"Okay, What do you know about the pregnant girl?" I ask because the body hasn't been found and Harrison wouldn't know because he was busy with Lucinda.

"She didn't last long. When her mum called, we were already at the pack waiting for the time to strike. Harrison left me in charge of her and if anything happened just get rid of her. When the Warriors came to the clearing, I gave her to another rogue and left to go do my part of the plan. They must have killed her before the warriors could question her."

"The Delta River?"

"He was dragged away apparently. I know nothing of that sort of knowledge." So it can't be River because why would he be dragged away. Unless it was an act. Ugh, so confusing.

"Why are you not refusing to answer the questions" Usually rogues are hard to get information out of.

"There is nothing left for me now. Us rogues will die eventually by the pack alpha when caught. I know my time is up. I may as well be useful for the last time."

"If you're going to be useful, a rogue said you or Harrison know how to help she-wolves from dying during the birth of the pups."

"Indeed. It's me who you would need to speak to. There is a cure that is being developed within the camps because of the rogue female like your own wolves are dying. It's been used a few times and it has been successful. There is a cell in every female that will fight the pup in birth. When this happens all energy will go to the fighting point. It makes births more difficult. When the pups are delivered in a normal way or the c-section, the cell is still active because it hasn't registered that the things it has been fighting have gone. So it carries on, destroying good cells and attacking anything good in the body. It can be quick to spread, so the body shuts down quickly."

"But those in higher ranks have more of a chance to survive, why?"

"They have faster healing than those of lower ranks. But it still has the risk of not pulling through. But I haven't been able to test this out because all rogues are from lower ranks of the packs."

"I see. This pack was going to use Abigail to see what will happen with her because of her Beta blood. Lastly, I want to know if the cell can attack the body without a pup being in the body?"

Female Alpha LucindaΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα