When he Leaves...

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Lucinda POV

Walking off the stage with my Beta and Delta in tow, I felt better knowing my inner circle is people I trust and know-how we all are going to be on the same page. The pack I could hear was leaving the area and going about their daily doings. We headed to the pack kitchen to find it empty. I went to the fridge and took out 3 drinks of water and handed them to the boys. I downed mine in one and sighed loudly. "Now that is over, the pack may be at peace again. It did feel good to get rid of him. But I do feel sorry for Abigail, no mate nor a father to her child."

"You did the right thing, let's not dwell on it. We need to get the King of the land now." Oliver says leaning on the counter.

"Yep, River is everything set?" I turned to him and it seemed he was mind linking someone. When he came round he nodded. "Good, come on. We need to say our goodbyes and make sure he gets out."

Heading out of the kitchen and out of the front door of the packhouse, there were the 2 SUVs that first came to the pack. The front car was set with the same warriors that were in it from the first time. I clear my throat to make myself known. He turned from talking to Carlos and headed towards us standing in the middle of the steps. "Alpha Lucinda, we are going to be on our way now. It seems you run your pack better than some of the men. They would need to learn a lesson from you." He chuckled and a smile crept onto my face.

His eyes were on Oliver. "Beta Oliver, you will do well with this. I know you won't be disappointed nor go against the beliefs of the Alpha. I may not know you for long but from the last time I saw you with the former Alpha you have grown to be a wise man."

Eyes wide open, Oliver shocked at his words. So elbow him to say something back. " Um well, your Majesty, I don't know what to say. Um, I won't let the pack down, it matters to me more than if anything happened to Alpha, then I would need to take over. Anyway, eh, thanks for the kind words about me." He bowed at Zaliver and Zaliver nodded in recognition.

"Delta River, keep up the good work on the warriors and the training. I may send some of mine over soon. I will mail you when." River nodded and remained emotionless face. "Alpha Lucinda, your pack is well and I may come by again. Need to make sure, your pack doesn't overtake mine" He raised his eyebrows and the way he said it makes me feel warm inside.

"You can come by anytime, You Majesty. Since our packs are very close allies and you are friendly with my boys." I said and extended my hand to him to shake. When contact was made by it, sparks rose up my arm but I made no attempt to show it. It seems as well that Zaliver did the same and recognised the sparks. Removing out hands, I say, "Until next time, Your Majesty." He nodded and walked to the second car and hopped into the back. Carlos followed after him and then the 2 warriors got into the front. When settled, the front drove off with the other one close behind them.

When the SUVs were no longer in sight. I say to the boys, "Now, we have work to do. River you know your daily doings but make sure you pick some warriors who may take up the position of Gamma. I want a list by the end of the week." River said 'yes alpha' and walked off, "Oliver, you know where the beta office is, go there and settle in. Also, get some work done. I haven't had any of the work up to a high standard. Most things didn't add up or weren't done at all. I'm not expecting to be all done by tomorrow. But all I can say is to make sure that it is up to date by the end of the week."

"Lucinda, don't worry. I got this" I felt his hand on my shoulder and left for the office. Which was literally next door to mine. I stand on the steps and let the air surround me. This is calming.

After standing there for a bit, I walked to my own office and continued my own work to keep up my daily pack work. Now again, Emails pop up from Oliver of finished work and a couple of times he would come in and ask questions about things. This is what it should have been after all these years. Devon did this for a year or 2 but after he stopped and worked on his own to which he handed at the end of each week.

It was soon getting dark which meant dinner. Oliver came into the office and suggested going down. So I said yes. With Devon gone, it must be time for a new start. Walking into pack dinner with Oliver was good. River was already there and nodded with respect with the rest of the members that joined us. I felt that this dinner needed a fitting speech. So reaching the middle chair at the top table, I remained standing up while everyone around seated "My fellow pack, today we saw the good and bad. As we eat and drink, we do so for the pack is safe once again for the threat has been dealt with. We also celebrate the new Beta. Please raise your glasses for Beta Oliver '', I reached for my glass and raised it up and shouted, "Beta Oliver!". Everyone in the room followed suit and the look on Oliver's face was a bit embarrassed but with pride. Being seated and the food being served, the atmosphere was light and for once nobody was giving my petty looks of weakness nor sorrow. Maybe killing Devon was a good idea.

After the meal had finished, everyone exited the dining hall to go to their rooms or homes. River and Oliver headed to their rooms and so did I. I took a hot shower, washed my hair and took a new pair of pyjamas. I slipped into the bed covers and drifted off to sleep with all my worries disappearing.

Female Alpha LucindaWhere stories live. Discover now