Lillian Arrives

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Lucinda POV

In the days that followed till Lillian arrived at the pack, it was okay. My office wasn't as bad as I thought. It was a bit messy but nothing I couldn't sort out within an hour.

After I had tidied in that hour my office, I called in the boys: Zaliver, Oliver, Michual and Jupiter. "What's the matter? Can't find anything?" Oliver asks as he sits down in one of the chairs, with Zaliver taking the other, leaving Jupiter and Michual standing behind them both.

"No, No. I just wanted to tell you what happened back at the hideaway because I just appeared without explanation."

"I was wondering that, as Earl hasn't really said anything about it." Michual states.

"I heard that I was getting better and I guess it wasn't too long after you left the room or the pack, one or the other. One minute I was in blackness, then I'm starting at the ceiling in the hospital bed. Lucky Earl was watching and he took my vitals. Then he called Jupe and Michual over who told me the important parts of what happened. I made the decision to follow and convinced Michaul to take me the fastest way possible. Jupe, you wanted him to stay but earl would be nearby for him. It would be quicker with just the two of us. When the two of us arrived, we did see Nathaniel's pack fighting and Michual knew of a secret way in that he suddenly remembered but wasn't so sure about. Well, it was dark and I felt we were lost. Fortunately, Michual led us to a door that opened and saw Ollie. Then the rest is history." I finished and just eyed each of the boys to see their reactions. Nothing out of the orandary, as they sat there and wacked in their brains around of what they were just told. 

Michaul spoke up and asked, "How did you feel when you woke from the blackness?" 

"At first I felt strange because I wanted to get my bearings right. But overall, I just felt like myself. According to Earl when he did my vitals, he told me that the damaging cell attacked my body without having to be pregnant and it was eating away at me for a while. The fight just wiped me out and without Earl's cure or any kind of cure like his, I properly would be with my parents."

"Well thank goodness that's not the case," Zaliver commented.

"It sure is. Are there any more questions?" All 4 shook their heads. "Marvelous, I want to get back to paperwork. Go about your day and see you later." They all left the office with Zaliver eyes lingering on me the longest.

By the end of the day, I had caught up on what they haven't done and even done a bit extra for next week. With doing the pack work, I have seen what's been happening with training. Oliver made sure to follow River's ways of training with the help of Michual. I was impressed because it seems that they haven't fallen behind. I'm guessing of what's happened, the pack felt that they shouldn't slack. I was filled with pride for my pack for carrying on without constant leadership. Earl hasn't said anything of his decision of what he wanted to do. He has been in the hospital, properly perfecting his cure to dispute out to the other packs.

Speaking of River, he has been improving in leaps and bounds over the next few days. He is awake and has recalled what occurred to him, that was when the attack happened or where he was stationed at first, he got injured. With him being weakened he wasn't as strong when the next wave came in. He got jumped by a large number of rogues with wolfbane in a needle. Warriors tried to fight them off him but they didn't. A few rogues slip River away before they notice his absence. He doesn't know how he got to the hideaway but he knows he woke up and Carlos was watching him. He would give a beating here and there. Also, I was right about them telling that the pack had fallen and that everyone was either killed or taken hostage. So I reckon he would have given up living if we hadn't got to him when we did.

The bond with Zaliver was getting stronger and better each hour we spent with each other. He's hung around the office with him borrowing a laptop to do his own work. We always glance at each other and then quickly look back to what we are doing. I did reckon he is sneaking into my room at night and sleeping on the floor because there is always his scent hanging around on my rug. Plus, where he sleeps it's always warm, not that I stand on the spot for a few minutes.

At the moment I'm in my office with Zaliver and Ollie as today Lillian is coming to the pack. Yes, she is coming earlier than intended but the good news was that Zaliver is not leaving straight away. We were just going through a few things such as the transfer of a pack member when the office phone rang. I picked it up and it was from border control saying that Lillian's car had arrived. As soon I got off the phone and told Oliver, he was out of the office like a flash. "Someone is eager." Zaliver committed. I laughed and headed down to go meet the famous Lillian, who has taken my Beta's heart from me.

Five minutes later, a car rolled outside the packhouse. As soon it stops, a girl jumps out of it and flings herself at Oliver. "Ollie, I've missed you. I've only seen you once in real life and many times over facetime. But this is much better now!" She squeals at him. I try to hold back my chuckles because it's funny to see Oliver with a girl, as he hasn't really been with anyone.

"Lilly, it's really good to see you again. I want you to meet Lucinda and the rest of the gang".

"Ooh yeah, I want to meet the famous Lucinda who may have tamed the King!" I blush at this. What the hell have these two been saying about us?

They walked up the steps and Oliver introduced me and the rest of the gang. With each introduction, she gave each of us a hug with me having the most squeeze. The boys headed inside first with me and Lillian hanging behind. "I must say, it will be nice having a girl around with all these boys" I commented.

"So true. But it may not be for long." She bats her eyes at me.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask even though I do know what she is getting at.

She throws her arms up in the air and walks through the door. "Oh come on. Don't play dumb with me. You're a smart Alpha, use your brain. You will have to move with him."

"I don't know. We haven't done anything or even gone out together. I don't think moving to his pack would be right."

She smiles and says, "I begged to differ."

"What has he been telling you? I know you two are close like family. Has he been saying he's going to be taking me back with him when he leaves?" I'm getting curious.

"Nope. I'm not telling. What I and Zaliver talk about stays between us." She stands her ground and folds her arms across. I walk away and pretend to stop praying.

"Okay, I'm going to go find Zaliver's phone and look through it. Or maybe ask him." I got as far as the bottom step of the staircase when someone spun me around. I smiled at a concerned Lillian.

"Please don't. If he finds out I told you that we talk about your relationship behind your back. Or even about," She halts before she says anything else and takes a look at me. "Hey, why are you laughing?"

I was laughing at her reaction. I don't care what they talk about, as long it's not about anything sexual. My laughing must have been heard from the living room because the boys had come to see what was happening. When they saw me laughing with an embarrassed Lillian, they joined in with the laugh.

Soon enough, Oliver took Lillian up to his room to settle. Jupiter and Michual went back into the living room that just left me and Zaliver at the bottom of the steps. "I'll just go to my office and um yeah. See you later." I stumbled over my words which I don't normally do but when I am with him on my own I just do.

"Wait, Lucinda," He calls before I could even put a foot onto the step. I turn to look at him and I see him looking nervous. "Can I take you to dinner tonight?" I was shocked at what he asked. The king asked me to dinner with him, well he is kind of my mate so I should have seen this coming.

I looked into his eyes and answered yes. A huge smile swept onto his face and told me to get ready for 6 pm. I raced up to my room and hunted through my clothes for my dinner date with Zaliver. I needed help because this was my first date. I didn't have the time to date while looking after a pack. After thinking for a short minute of who to ask to help. I hurried out of my room and found the door I wanted to knock on.

Female Alpha LucindaWhere stories live. Discover now