Meet Jupiter

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Lucinda POV

Morning came quickly. I feel that I haven't got enough sleep but it's an important day. Seeing and hopefully choosing my Gamma. The boys feel that he is going to fit in nicely but I have my doubts.

After getting out of my bed and doing my morning routine. I headed down to the dining hall for breakfast. Oliver was ready sitting there and eating away. When I arrived at the table, he gave me a smile and morning.  A pack member came with my food. The morning food was bacon, eggs, toast and other breakfast foods. Some pack members came and joined us at the table, so we chatted about random things.

After we finished, we said goodbye to those eating, me and Oliver headed to the training ground to where we would find River watching the pack train. We stood and watched a bit because I haven't seen much of how training works. I just leave River to it and just review what he does and if it works well.

After a few, we walked up to him and when he noticed us he nodded at us then turned back to training. A few moments of silence between us with the only sounds coming from my pack members in combat, I started the convocation. "So River, where is my soon to be Gamma? I do want to see him in training." I saw his eyes glance sideways to me and bounced back to straight on in a blink. I turned to the side a bit and noticed his eyes were linking someone. When he came round he said that he was on his way over. Then wandered off to a pair to sort out their tactics. "I still don't understand that boy, he can be talkative one minute then act strangely. I hope his choice has a better personality than his."

"Nah, there is only one River in this pack. Nobody has the same personality as him, he is a limited edition." Oliver said this while he chuckled a bit. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Whatever Oliver. Oh look here comes someone." I pointed it out to Oliver. As the person came towards us, River saw this and walked away from what he was doing and joined him. As they got closer, the man with River looked muscular but not too much. He was a tad shorter than River.

"Lucinda, this is the wolf that you have seen the information for. I will leave you two to do what you like with him, as I got training to teach." With that, he leaves. I'm not surprised, he does take his training the wolves really seriously. The man stood there awkwardly between me and Oliver. So Oliver broke the awkward between us.

"So, your name is again?" Really, Oliver, that's what you come out with. I looked at him with 'are you serious'.

"It's Jupiter, Beta Oliver and Alpha Lucinda." He says bowing his head.

"Call us by our names, has River told you about meeting us today or anything else?" I ask. Jupiter shook his head no. I sigh, trusting River to make this a shock. "Okay, you finished training for today right?" He nodded yes. " It would be great if you and I talked in my office for a bit. Oliver will come in and out as he is going to be doing things. aren't you Ollie?" I gave him an elbow to the side, so he snapped out of this daze.

"Yes, yes. I'll leave you to it and see you later in the office." With that, he leaves, hopefully, to see Abigail about what we had discussed yesterday.

"Well come on Jupiter, I want to get to know you and tell you things at River have forgotten to tell you." We both walked off the training grounds and wandered back to the packhouse. I was going to watch him train but I changed my mind. I have to trust River that he has great training. He was telling me about his life. He is older than me as he is 25. Both of his parents are warriors, so it is natural for him to join. He to hasn't found his mate, he would like to find one. From what he told me, he was passionate about the pack and would do anything for it.

Entering my office in the packhouse, we both took our respective seats. "Now Jupiter, it is very lovely you told me about you but we just get down to business. What River has failed to tell you beforehand is that you have caught the eye from him to be our next Gamma for the pack." The shock was written on his face. His eyes are large and his mouth has fallen open.

"R-R-Really, I'm just a normal warrior protecting a pack. What makes me a good candidate? Do I need to prove myself or what?"

"Calm down, River prises you with training and what you do around the borders like any other wolf. But he noticed that you care for others. There are not many wolves like you that can say that they think of others before themselves. Being a Gamma needs that since they are linked closely to the supposed Luna of the pack. As you think about others, you would think about protecting, well me, before yourself. Oliver read your file and he kind of knows you. He thinks that you would be a good fit in my inner circle. You wouldn't be another Devon. You can prove yourself if you like to but with the good words from all the high-rank wolves is good enough. What do you think and please be honest?"

He sat there and stared at me for a bit. I was starting to worry that I'd overwhelm him with information but it would be the way if he took the position. While he sat there, Oliver entered, put something on the table and exited quickly.

A minute passes with nothing still. "Jupiter, please say something. You are making me worried. You don't have to have this if it's not what you wanted." I started to click my fingers at him and was about to poke him when I saw his eyes moving around like he was battling his inner self.

"Sorry, it's just come as a shock. I have been told by my father that one day I would strive to higher goals in life and this must be it. I am nothing like that previous beta, he wasn't very nice and glad he is no longer here. I would be delighted to be part of your group and to make the pack a better place and to protect you." I gave a wide smile and then a random question came into my head.

"I am ecstatic that you accept but I'm wondering. Why are you called that? Jupiter is a unique name."

"Well thanks, I'm not sure. I guess they like the planet and named me after it. I could find out?"

"No, no. Just wondering. We will make arrangements to announce you as the new Gamma to the pack. Now off you go, I need to find Oliver and ask him if he has done what I have asked." He nodded and left the office, so now I was on my own. I noticed the paper on my desk which Oliver swiftly placed while waiting for a response from Jupiter. Picking it up and reading it. As I read it my calm nature is growing thinner and thinner. Anger is filling it in its place. Reaching the bottom of the page and it was signed by that betrayer Devon. I opened my mind to the link between me and Oliver and shouted to him, "You better have a good explanation for why a note from that betrayer is sitting on my desk!"

Female Alpha LucindaWhere stories live. Discover now