the island

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ringo was thoroughly confused, "hey paul?" he asked, "what the fuck."
"i was laying here having as nice of a time as one could while stuck in the middle of an ocean. and you wake up babbling about murdering a president?" he continued.

i scooted closer to him preparing to tell ringo about my odd dream, i knew i sounded mental, but also knew it was my duty mr. devito to go through with the plan.
"ringo, mate, i know this all sounds like a bunch of malarkey, but you have to trust me."
ringo sighed, he had to intake what i was saying, he sighed and turned his head when he saw something, "LAND!" he shouted.
land? thank god! i was sick of this raft and we needed food and fresh water. ringo grabbed the oars and started hastily rowing towards the island. i felt like helping but i was extremely lazy.

after about 3 consecutive hours of watching ringo rowing, we finally had reached the edge of the shore. i got out and helped ringo pull the raft on the beach. the feeling of ground under my feet was the best thing i had felt since the last time i held a joint in my hand. seriously. it was amazing. props to sailors and stuff for having to deal with never being on land.
ringo had already started to deflate and fold up the raft, "just in case, don't want it to get blown away or anything" he explained.
ah okay, i thought. i wanted to take a nap right there and then but, my conscience knew i should probably help ringo gather supplies to survive and everything. so i jogged to a nearby bush and picked up the dry twigs from underneath of it. we can use these to start a fire with right?

on the walk back i picked up stones until i was where we decided to set up shop. a little grassy clearing in between the beach and the wild area beyond. i dug a small hole and put the rocks around the edges just like how i saw in films. i didn't know how to do that tepee thing that you always see so i just plopped them down in the center. that'll do.

ringo had gone out to find us dinner, it was dusk by then. we had set up logs to sit on around the fire pit. it was actually quite cozy. it wasn't a top rated hotel like i was used to but it had its charm. i picked up my acoustic guitar that i brought to past time and started strumming random chords when i heard a rustling. ringo? god i hoped it was ringo. it felt like a cliché horror movie and i was preparing to die when ringo parted the bushes and showed me two dead crabs. bloody hell! how'd he get those? i didn't feel like asking i was starving. so we took a coconut split it open and filled it with salt water. we plopped the crabs in and hoped it would cook. it did, but not the crabs, the coconut caught fire and ringo yeeted it into the ocean. raw crab tonight i suppose.

stuck in an island with ringo starrWhere stories live. Discover now