the island part 2

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the next morning, i woke up early. the air was painfully still and warm. ringo was still sleeping like a baby which i envied, god i wish i were him. that motherfucker could sleep through anything. even back when john and i used to argue in the studio, he would be snoozing behind his drum kit, waiting for us to get back to the music.

i sighed, got up, and stretched. i walked down to the waters edge and sat down, staring at the day before me. this was a poor choice since i sat down too close to the water and got my trousers wet. fuck, i thought. i quickly ran back up to our campsite and slipped out of them. when i noticed something from the corner of my eye, i turned around and,

"hello paul." 
"bloody fuck ringo!" i blurted out. ringo was propped up on one elbow staring at my backside.
i chuckled and said, "you're absolutely mad."
"i know" he says while flopping back down to look at the sky, after a pause he started again,
"yeah rich?" i said in response.
"you've got the smallest prick i've ever seen"

i blushed harder than i ever had before. i couldn't tell if he was joking but nevertheless the comment hurt. tears started to swell in the corners of my eyes,
"n-no, y-you" i said, fighting back said tears.
"oh really?" he scoffed. "you really think you can say something like that and get away with it?" the boy with bowl cut stood up and started to unzip his trousers.

by the time his pants had fell to his ankles i was already weeping. my tears streamed down my face. the front i had put up, being the strong invincible leader, was finally stripped down. leaving only a small boy with a small peen.
ringo stepped forward, leaving his trousers in the dust behind him.

he stopped a foot in front of me. both of us were dressed only in our knickers. i looked down, and i noticed his bulge. absolutely massive, and i'm not just saying that, it actually was. the biggest bulge i had ever seen in fact. larger than even danny devito's! i started crying more. i didn't know why, it was almost like an instant reaction to hearing about ringo's dick.
it was an awkward affair actually, the shorter man stood there, making his power move, while i stood there sobbing hysterically. ringo watched me crying, i couldn't see what his reaction was but the next thing i knew, he was embracing me. it didn't work very well though, due to the fact he was almost a head shorter than me. i even had to bend down.
but then i remembered something, im paul mccartney, im from liverpool! im no queer! what was i doing?

i pushed ringo back angrily, but some small part of me wanted the moment to continue.
"what are you doing!" i yelled at him.
"i- i dont know i was trying to console you! like a good friend, i mean you were crying and i felt bad!" he exclaimed
i scoffed at the comment and against my better judgment i stormed away. how dare he.

i didn't know how far i had wandered but it was far. i had to think over what just happened. god am i falling in love with ringo? all of my emotions were overpowering me. so i just stopped and sat down. i noticed my surroundings. they were unfamiliar. very unfamiliar. hell did i get myself lost?
i started to panic. god what if i die out here? i can't survive by myself!
i frantically started running the way i came from, screaming ringo's name.

after about 5 minutes of screaming and panicking i realized i knew where i was and slowed down. i was near the sight where we originally wrecked and oh! there was our camp!  i saw ringo and immediately ran towards him. but then stopped when i noticed there was another man with him.


stuck in an island with ringo starrWhere stories live. Discover now