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"Anddd, booked." Azure exhaled as she watched the ticket confirmation pop up on the laptop screen.

"Ugh, I'm so jealous. You and the rest of Philly is going to be enjoying Miami while I'm here." Justin screwed his face up in jealousy.

"It's not like I'm there to party, like everyone else," Azure shrugged, "The art competition just happens to be there this year, and thanks to you I can afford to go."

"Maybe I should've picked up a damn job myself, and I could be going too."

The art show was days away and better late than never, Azure was able to purchase her round trip flight on the popular dates. If things worked out, she would be returning home with triple the amount she spent, in prize money.

However she had to win first, which she hoped to do with her African American rendition of Mona Lisa. It was an elegant piece that she made in honor of Black history month, which would be ending in the next few days.

The week coming up just happened to also be spring break, the start of a hectic month and a half that involved college kids from every state traveling to party it up at the multiple beaches  across the country. Miami, Cancun, L.A, you name it.

While it sounded intriguing for the average college student, Azure couldn't help but pass up on the offer.

"I already started packing, unfortunately I remembered I left my passport at Kelz's and now I'm dreading having to go get it" Azure rolled her eyes as she closed the laptop.

"Girl, you are not going out the country. Use that ID, and get it another time. It's definitely too soon." Justin advised her.

Azure shrugged. Maybe she was just trying to find a reason to be around him.

A week had passed since their last encounter, and it had been almost an official month since their breakup.

At first all she could do was cry and conjure up bitter feelings, but as days passed she retreated back into her depressed shell of self pity and hadn't crawled out since.

She didn't cry as much, so that was a plus. But nothing was like those random moments where everything would be fine, until she found herself rushing to the bathroom at work to let out a few spontaneous tears.

Azure told herself that if she won this prize money, she would finally start up her website to sell her art work - and that would definitely help her get her mind off of Kelz .

Busy work.

That was what she needed; Just a chance to shake him off.

                                   N I C O

"Damn bro, I'm ready to hit the beach already."
Ron exclaimed as he pushed open the blinds to reveal the beautiful view.

"You know damn well pops said meet him in the gym in thirty." Nico pointed out, dropping his designer duffle bag onto the large king sized bed.

Nico, his brother and his father had just landed in Miami and were officially checked into the luxury hotel.

The fight was two days away, so while it would be nice to enjoy the beautiful weather and plethora of college hunnies, Nico knew his dad would be on his heels to train at least up until the day before and then they would be heading out shortly after.

This was stamped as an important fight, as fifteen thousand dollars were being rewarded to the successor. Nico was currently ranked 10-0, and this was his third fight he would be compensated for.

Winning a smooth five grand for the first and eight thousand for the second, he began to see a nice range in his bank account and that alone motivated him to keep going.

"Yeah, and after that block his ass from your phone, cause I'm tryna get in on this spring break action." Ron assured his brother.

"Shit, me too."

Nico didn't consider himself a partier, but he definitely frequented the events in Philly here and there. Whenever his brother or his boys wanted to step out, he had a hard time saying no, especially now that he had a little money in his pockets.

Not only was he now driving a 2018 Maxima, his social media advertising checks paid for most of his fly gear while he just continued to save his boxing money. Ron had been doing the same thing, and in the matter of a year and some change the two brothers were sitting legally on a good amount of racks.

They didn't have to slang on the corner like their grade school friends, or even work a 9-5, as their revenue came from their fists. A gift that just kept on giving.

After taking a brisk shower, Nico threw on a workout outfit and made his way down to the gym with his brother. The luxurious hotel gym was decked out with most of the equipment from back home and all that was missing was a boxing ring.

As usual, they started off with a warm up which consisted of light jogging on the treadmill to rev up the heart rate. Nico tuned out to Meek Mill, the perfect track list for motivation as he blew through the training session in no time. His father was more than satisfied with his son's effort, and sent him away to rest for the remainder of the day.

"Sheesh, my boy said enough is enough," Ron said giving his brother a satisfied grimace, next putting out his hand for dap.

He admired his younger brother's skill set, and told him so whenever he saw improvement.

"You already know bro, fight like the champ you can call yourself the champ."

"No doubt," Ron agreed, "You feeling good?"

The two gathered their belongings, next following their father out of the hotel gym.

"Yeah, if anything a nigga just anxious and ready to get the whole thing over with," Nico shrugged, "But other than that, I'm ready to get back to eating good."

"You can say that again." Ron nodded.

The two began to pass the lobby, and for a second Nico thought he was hallucinating as he witnessed the pretty brown skin girl he let slip away only a few weeks ago.

Stopping in his tracks, he watched as she stood at the front desk and checked in just as he had done no more than two hours before. Her hair had been impeccably straight and luminous just as when he first saw her. Her work uniform had been switched out for black biker shorts and an oversized white tee that was tied in the back, further showing off her hypnotizing shape. She struggled with her luggage, trying her best to find whatever she was looking for in the small suit case.

"You coming bro?" Ron asked, seeing his brother  stuck in the middle of the lobby.

"Yeah, Ima  catch up with you in a bit." Nico said, definitely not missing his wave this time.

He was sure he was still covered in sweat and most likely slightly musty, but he wouldnt drop the ball for the second time when it came to this mystery girl.

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