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        "Okay, calm down Azure. It's a mistake, they're going to re-run the test, and it's going to be shown that they made a mistake" Azure said talking to herself in the hospital bathroom mirror. 

She ran her hands over her hair, next splashing cold water on her face to calm her nerves. Hearing a knock at the door, she exited the bathroom, using the crutch to let the nurse into her room.

"Okay Ms. Williams, we ran another test like you asked. And it confirms that you're pregnant"

Dr. Raina could see the faint look on Azure's face, and insisted she take a seat.

"We can set you up an appointment with the GYN so you can see how many weeks you are. Do you have any support? You have a lot of options."

Azure didn't know what to think. One minute she was telling the nursing assistant all of her personal information, and when she asked her when her last period was Azure couldn't seem to remember. She couldn't believed she had been so careless. When they insisted she pee in a cup, Azure couldn't deny the nervous feeling as she awaited the news just to be told she was pregnant after all.

What would she do? Sure, she was 21. However Nico and her weren't exactly on good terms and had only been together four months. Things were moving too fast.

"Ummm" Azure began, her head in her hands, "It's fine, I'll just set up an appointment when I get back to Delaware. Thank you though, just let me know when I can be discharged."

"Your paperwork is being drawn up now, along with a prescription for your ankle. We can't prescribe you anything strong due to your pregnancy, just something to help the pain." The Dr assured her.

Azure nodded, next waiting for her to leave the room before she began to break down.

"Fuck." she said out loud.

Hearing her phone ring, she looked down to see Justin calling her.

"Hello?" She answered.

"What's wrong?" Justin asked hearing her sniffles, "You brought up Maria didn't you, Azure I~"

"Justin shut up" Azure rolled her eyes, "I have a problem...I'm pregnant."

Azure expected him to be just as devastated as her, however he excitedly screamed on the other end causing her to pull her phone away from her ear.

"You can't be seriously excited right now?" Azure spat, putting the phone back to her ear.

"Azure now you know I love babies." Justin responded.

Azure couldn't take him sometimes. Hearing a knock at the door, she wrapped up her conversation.

"I'll be there tonight, and don't tell Armani." she said before hanging up.

She assured the Dr. she could enter, and she did so, entering the patient room with a stack of papers. She gave Azure a discharge paper that documented both the broken ankle and pregnancy, and it summed up one horrible night in a total of five pages. Azure folded the packet and put it into her purse, next thanking the doctor before making her way back to the waiting room on the crutches.

                                    N I C O

           "You cool?" Nico asked jumping up from his seat, watching as Azure struggled to walk on her crutches.

"I'm fine, can you just take me to Justin's" she asked.

"I can do that" Nico nodded, "But I don't want to end our night like this."

The two began to walk towards the exit, and Nico made sure to assist her as much as he could.

"Nico I really don't want to talk about it. It's fine, you did what you thought you had to"

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