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                                       N I C O

"Uh-uh, that's what I'm talking about!"

Ron boasted, as he watched his little brother effortlessly land perfect blows to his opponent. Right hook, left hook, and one final uppercut, sending him crashing to the floor of the ring.

The referee began his countdown, giving the battered fighter a chance to regain his conscience and fight for the prize on the line.

Ron and Big Muh watched in silence, intensely counting down in their heads along with the announcer. Hearing the loud horn that signaled the tap out, the two rejoiced, proud of Nico as he stood over the fallen man. He raised his fist in the air as the announcer shouted his name into the mic and the audience gave him an applause for his performance.

Either he was having one hell of a lucky day, or his opponent wasn't prepared for the challenge of going against Nico - only three rounds passing before he was put to sleep and dragged away by his team. Scoring that fifteen thousand was easier than he thought it would be.

"That's what the fuck I'm talking about!" Ron exclaimed, kissing his brother on his forehead, "You ain't playin fair, you hear me!!" he ruffed Nico up with affection.

"Aww come on bro, you know I hate that," Nico rubbed the kiss off, "But yeah, you see me?" He boasted back.

"A nigga had to focus to see you throwing them hands that quick." Muh laughed, bringing his son in for a hug.

"Thanks pop, I tried. And l ain't wanna hear your mouth if I lost." he playfully rolled his eyes.

"The Grahams don't lose son, never have and never will. That's why the two of you are, and will stay undefeated." Muh said with confidence.

"No doubt." Ron agreed.

The men continued to talk as they headed towards the dressing room, where Nico would grab his things before collecting his prize money and metal. He was already planning on what he wanted to do with his winnings. He would definitely save more than ninety percent of it, but a few thousand would be used for a nice present to himself.

"So let me guess, brown skin's pussy was that good that she got your ass to KO in three rounds?" Ron asked taking a seat on the futon in the dressing room.

Nico laughed out loud, as he rummaged through his bag for his jacket. He then suddenly remembered it was still in Azure's possession.

"I ain't hit bro, she turned me down." He admitted.
Finding a pull over hoodie, he opted for that instead.

"Damn, how'd that feel? You risked the whole fight going after shawty, we both know that."

"I ain't care, like I said before nigga, a window closes ~"

"And another one opens, yeah yeah." Ron laughed finishing Nico's sentence.

Nico just shook his head at his brother, next checking his phone. He had texted Azure good morning, however she hadn't responded. It was going on noon, so he knew she had to be done her competition by now.

Continuing to scroll through his messages, he witnessed a few messages from Juicy as well, who was counting down the hours until he returned home. He knew she would be looking for him to lay down the pipe as he always did when he came back home with a victory, however he had someone else on his mind.

"Man, just come on"

Aside from being happy from his winnings, Nico was dead tired. He wasn't able to go to sleep straight after leaving his date, only to be woken up by his father for an early morning light workout before his fight. He was glad they weren't leaving until the following morning, giving him time to rest up.

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