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Azure sat in the front row of the large arena that was packed to the extent, people watching intensely as Nico and his opponent danced in the ring for the third round.

This was Azure's first time watching Nico fight, and he was as good as everyone said he was. He was undefeated 11-0, with 10 knockouts and was going for 12 and 11. Armani sat next to Azure, nervously watching as her brother precisely measured his opponents movements, next landing two clean punches and watching him stumble back as the crowd began to make chatter.

Big Muh and Ron stood on the side of the ring, watching just as intently as everyone else.

Azure could tell that Nico's ankle was bothering him, but he pushed through as he focused.

"Come on bro, knock him out so we can go celebrate." Armani said to herself loud enough for Azure to hear.

"I'm scared, I can't watch" Azure said wanting to close her eyes. She knew it was his career, but she didn't like the idea of him getting punched on in the ring.

Nico's opponent, Marco Gonzalez landed two good punches in Nico's sides, catching Nico off guard and knocking a little wind out of him.

"Shit" Armani cursed, about to close her eyes like Azure. She glanced over to her Dad and big brother, who were looking just as stressed.

Nico was angry, Azure could see it in his eyes once she opened her own. Before anyone knew it, he gave Marco three hits straight to his open face. Marco couldn't hold his balance and stumbled completely onto the floor of the ring, causing Nico's side to erupt in excitement. Marco wasn't knocked out, but he would be soon, as his nose and lips were leaking from the combo hit that felt personal.

The bell rung, signaling that Nico won the third round. Climbing onto the rope, Nico beat his chest proudly as his fans went crazy.

"That's my bro, yes baby!" Armani yelled in excitement.

Azure smiled in relief, because for a moment she was worried. Plus, Nico looked good as hell in the ring, with his matching black and gold set, his chest covered in sweat as he made his way over to his brother and dad for a quick wipe down and some water. She watched closer as he said something in his brother's ear, and then Ron's eyes began to glance over towards her and he pointed. Nico followed his finger, next smiling from ear to ear once he witnessed a beautiful Azure in the crowd.

"Aw, you got my brother looking all mushy." Armani said sweetly, as Nico waved like a little boy in love.

Azure's stomach filled with butterflies as she blew him a kiss before he headed back into the ring to start another round.

After two more rounds that felt like forever to Azure, Nico's opponent finally had finally given up, his whole face and ribs were beginning to leak due to the fact that Nico's punches were wearing him down. With one last hook to the right jaw, his neck damn near swung around and he went crashing down to the mat. The crowd stood to their feet, and once again Nico reigned as the undefeated, knock out king.

Seeing Nico in his element only made Azure fall more in love win her new man. They were still a new couple, getting to know each other through their busy schedules but Azure thanked God everyday for her new found love. Some days, she believed it was too good to be true and she was just waiting for the day for Nico to mess up like everyone predicted he would. However he seemed to prove everyone wrong so far, as the once multi woman man was only loving on his sweet candy girl.

After the fight was officially over and Nico went back to receive his prize money, Armani and Azure went out to the car to wait for the three men to meet up with them. Big Muh wanted to take everyone out to dinner, especially since his baby girl was in town.

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