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Three weeks passed and thankfully everything went back to normal with the exception of Azure now openly carrying Nico's child.

While she was only around ten weeks, she definitely felt a change in her body. She was glad it was the summer and she didn't have class or work, because she had been sleeping longer hours than usual and definitely moodier than she had ever been in her life.

Nico on the other hand couldn't of been more ecstatic, because he could only imagine teaching his son how to box, if that's what he would be having. A girl would be nice too, but Nico knew he was too hot headed for that.

Either way, he couldn't help but to count down the months, in addition to waiting on Azure hand and foot while she hadn't even grown a baby bump yet.

"Pops, I'm only staying for another thirty minutes. I gotta get back to my baby."

"Chill out, boy" Muh laughed at his son, as he typed something up on his computer, "How is Azure anyway?"

"She's good...a cry baby but good." Nico raised his eyebrows in a stressed manner.

"Sounds about right...how you holding up?"

"Good" Nico shrugged, "Me, Armani and the rest of us are about to go out to lunch. She should be here any minute." he said referring to his little sister who was picking him up.

"Alright, well you sit here and finish filing these physicals Mr. thirty minutes" Muh said standing up from his desk, "After that lock up the office."

"Cool." Nico said taking his dad's seat.

In a hurry, Nico began to type the paper work quickly in efforts to be done so he could go. After a short while, the handle of the door began to jiggle and he assumed it would be Armani.

Unfortunately, Maria came strolling into the door looking tanner than her usual self. After being on vacation for two weeks, she hadn't been around and Nico was glad for that.

Granted she hadn't uttered a word to him since he flee'd her away from his apartment, but he was just as happy about that too. She halted when she saw him, only to put her head down and began to grab her clip board and supplies.

She attempted to ignore Nico, she really did, she told herself. However he looked handsome as ever as he focused on the work before him, blatantly ignoring her presence in the room. While his disdain for her was clear, that hadn't stopped him before as he at one point let her touch on him wherever she wanted.

Sure, he would never let it go farther than that, but she knew he wanted it. He just needed a little push.

"So, how have things been going here?" She asked, trying to casually make conversation.

Nico didn't look up from the computer, "What you mean?"

"You know...since I've been gone" she said.

Nico shrugged, "Didn't notice."

He noticed alright, because it was the first time he felt comfortable at work in a grip.

Maria smirked, "You love playing hard to get, like you weren't moaning my name at one point. I remember that."

"You do?" Nico snickered, "I don't."

"I can remind you."

Maria moved her way around the desk, nudging Nico's knee with hers as she tried to pry her way between his legs however he had a strong plant on them. He looked up at her like she was crazy and she backed away which was a smart decision. Still, she stayed in his space in order to sway him.

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