Dragon Fight

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She woke the next morning early, the official start of the week was at 10 in the morning. Plunging her face into a bucket of water she shook off the cold droplets and dressed especially carefully, but still with her cloak. She preferred to hide her identity. It was 6:00 by the time she was ready, and she always left 2 hours on the morning's to get to her favourite place to watch the dragon fights. She always went to the top of the hill that overlooked her village. There was a tree there, and she would sit in the leafy branches, watching the graceful dance of the dragons as they fought for claim over the riders. She always came here with her family, and it became a tradition. But, ever since 7 years ago when her parents died, it had just been her and her brother. But then, two years ago he left or was chosen really, to be a dragon rider. She was so proud of him but also made her longing to be a rider increase, even if only to see her brother. He would be 18 now, and she had seen him last at 16 on that fateful day as he rode into the distance. 

She had reached the top of the hill just as the church bell rang to announce the beginning of the Week. She climbed deftly to the top of the tree and waited. She didn't have to wait long. Two dragons, from either side, were steadily flying towards the village. Judging from their emblems, the one on the right was from the Angelicus academy and the one on the left was from Starim. She assessed the dragons, looking over them with a critical eye. Starims would win this fight. The sheer strength from the water dragon their would beat the air dragon from Angelicus. Although... the air dragon could be faster. It would be a tough fight. But she had seen it before, last year both the same dragons and riders from those academies came and the Angelicus academy had one. Soon enough, her theory had been proved correct, Angelicus had won the fight. But just as the dragon swooped towards the ground the grey storm dragon of Sakeye academy cut them off. They started another vicious battle in the sky. However, she was distracted from this when a dark shadow flew right in front of her, before landing on the hill below her. It was a dark dragon, a Night dragon if she was correct. The rider was wearing a dark cloak and was looking over the fight. Elia thought that this would be the dragon to win, and it was from the Zantrax academy. Smart, let the other dragons fight it out, then swoop in, however she found a few faults with that theory. She decided to voice her opinion, I mean, what could go wrong?

"You know, the other academies could be claiming a lot more villages as we speak and you seem to be pinning all your hope on our village." The rider tensed up at the first word, his hand reaching towards his dagger as he whipped around, scanning the tree to find me." What if we're just all weak and pathetic? I mean like, you should see some of the girls in our village... Where do I start with them?" He was still searching for me but as his eyes scanned the area he spoke.

"Let's just hope you don't let your village down then." And with that, he threw a dagger right at me.

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