Dragons... fly?

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By the time we woke in the morning, it was 6:00. We had to be outside ready to meet our mentors at 8:00. I had a quick shower in the bathroom connected to my room. We had chosen them yesterday, and they were all pretty much the same, but we could choose our colour schemes on a panel outside and our basic furniture. Mine was a white airy room with dark oak furniture and light green curtains. The bathroom was white and modern with a massive bath and shower.

My room had a massive queen sized bed in the middle and wide balcony doors that looked out onto the training field where already a class were training, sword clashing and glinting in the cold morning air. They provided us with uniforms, light leather for combat and tunics and leggings and cloaks for normal days. They were all black.

Today, we were meeting our mentors, who would choose us from the rest of our group. The mentors were always people who had graduated from the academy for at least two years, so they could help you best. Then we had lessons in the afternoon. I looked at our timetable:

6 - 7 - Fitness Training

7-8 - Hand to hand combat

8 - 9 - Breakfast

9 -10 - Archery

10 - 11 - Flying

11 - 12 - Sword combat

12 - 1 - Lunch

1 - 2 - Power use

2 - 3 - Dragon studies

3 - 4 - Educational lessons

4 - 5 - Educational lessons

5 - 6 - Optional afternoon activities*

6 - 7 - Dinner

7 - 8 - Recreational Time

8 - 9 - Recreational Time

9 - 10 - In dorm houses only 

*  Optional Training.

Monday - Sword Duels

Tuesday - Hand to Hand Duels

Wednesday - Flying races

Thursday - Agility race

Friday -  Shapeshift / Power duel

Saturday - No activity

Sunday - No activity

This looked fun, obviously minus the educational lessons. I couldn't wait for the combat lessons, but I had to wait till tomorrow. Sighing in frustration, I pulled on the cloak and leather fingerless gloves and proceeded downstairs to where the rest of the girls were getting ready. Once we were all ready, with our dragons on our shoulders, we went outside to see Danielle waiting for us. Alex and all the boys were already there. Once we got there, they greeted us and motioned for us to follow them and we went straight to the school. Walking in past the massive courtyard, we went through the large arched door, and into a long entrance hall. To the right of the entrance hall was a big door that was open. Inside were lots of different tables and a cafeteria at the back. Loads of students were already sitting inside, and more coming in as we speak. They all stopped to look at us. They were assessing us again, to see who could be a potential "predator". It was basic human instinct, to create a food chain. I crossed my arms and stared back at a few, asserting the fact that I did know what I was doing. A few people were staring at Alina as she was still perched on my shoulder, and as she looked different a few people had noticed the gold and were staring at it blatantly. In the crowd, I spotted a dark-haired boy with dark features sitting at a table, with a few boys. He was staring at us, silently judging us. He had a cold critical gaze that made you want to look away. However, I held my glare and looked straight back at him. He had black hair that was as black as the night and seemed to suck away all light from around him. His dark eyes were shadowed by long lashes. A sharp jawline accentuated his pale pink lips and light skin. A vampire if I ever saw one. As I looked into his deep black eyes, a feeling of curiosity, intrigue and a shadow of fear consumed me as I was enraptured by his stare. I shook my gaze away from him and continued with my group to two empty tables at the back. By this time, everyone had turned back to their food, but yet I still felt as if I was being watched. I won't check now, but I can't forget it. That's how things always go wrong. Someone dismisses something as being useless, and it comes back to bite them.

Anyway, we finished our food, chatting with each other happily. By this time, everyone else had left the hall, probably to go to their next lesson.

"Alright, everyone. Time to go meet your new mentors. They will choose you. They have no idea what your powers or capabilities are yet. So just follow me and space out in squares, then they will enter. Here are your bands, put them on. You get one for each quality you have." Alex announced, handing out braided coloured leather bracelets, each with a silver circle in the middle with a symbol on it. The shapeshifter symbol was a moon and a wolf howling, vampires symbol was a darker silver base colour with a drop engraved on it. Elemental powers symbol was a symbol of a flame, with a lightning bolt, curled waves to be wind and a floor cracked. The witch symbol was a wand with sparks coming out the end of it. The rider was a dragon with both wings spread in mid-flight. The string and leather colours of the bracelet varied depending on the type. Shapeshifters were silver, vampires black, elemental gold, witch purple and rider red.

Once we had all got our bracelets on, me looking very colourful with gold, black and red on my wrist, we proceeded to a large open room with wooden floors and high vaulted ceilings, this was probably a training room. We all stood in a square pattern, ready for the mentors to come in. Fear ran through me, what if I was not chosen? What if they were all repulsed at the sight of me? What if-

Elia, you're going to get chosen. You're a very special rider, with enormous amounts of talent and anyone would be lucky to even see you, let alone be your mentor. If they are mean, well then simple, we will kick their butts.

Thanks, Alina, I just can't help being nervous. 

I know. Your fears do transfer to me by the way.

She grumbled as finally, the doors swung open with a sickeningly slow speed. 

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