The "Ultimate" Duel

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"TIME FOR THE ULTIMATE DUEL!" Some teacher said, laughing. As I looked around the circle 4 faces jumped out at me. The first, my brothers, looking at me with pride. The second, my crazy mentor, smirking at me like a crazy woman. The third, Amber eyed blondie, who I, for lack of imaginative names, call Amber Eyes. He was staring at me intently. Last, a random stranger. He was standing at the side, at the back. He was a teacher and just stood there. He had no emotions on his face, and had his arms crossed, staring at me with dark blue swirling eyes. 

I turned back to my opponent to see Zane hurtling towards me, sword raised. I met his sword with my own. After, I swung at his neck. Zane defended it but hit me with a series of hard fast shots. I hit him back and attacked, sword flashing. I wanted to show everyone what I was made of as I attacked him with swing after swing. But he was good too. Our moves became blurs to some, but I knew others could follow our moves intently, after years of training. He hit me with an exceptionally hard shot and I flew onto the ground. The crowd was silent. He had used the one thing he really has over me, size. As he began to swing towards my neck in fake death shot I leant backwards, looking at my sword. It was too far away. As he was about to lower his sword I kicked upwards, ridding him of his sword. Now there were two of us, both unarmed. 

We had no idea what to do. We weren't sure if we were allowed to do hand to hand. I pulled my dagger out of my boot and threw it to him. He caught it and looked at me curiously. I began to smirk and reached into my jacket. He knew what I was doing and immediately ran towards me, ready to swing. Others around the circle were protesting, they thought it was unfair, I didn't have a weapon. But I did. And he knew it. I pulled out my other dagger, wielding it carefully. We circled each other, making small attempts. Then I pounced, like a cat to its prey. 

I was good with daggers, most likely better than him as he wouldn't be as used to smaller weapons such as these. I managed to hit him with a series of attacks, then kicked the dagger out of his hand. He looked at me, then raised his hands. He knew I had won. Cheers echoed around the circle and Zane hugged me. I felt exhilarated, triumphant. But still I knew, that wasn't my best. I could be up to the standard of Amber Eyes. I knew it. I knew I could. But Zane and I both left the circle. I went to stand with Zara. 

Then the dark blue-eyed teacher entered the circle. 

"Right. If all the newbies could come here, and the others can go stand in your skill groups and we will send your new members over. Okay first years, if you didn't know, each group has a student leader. There are only 5 teachers and 8 groups, so they rotate. If the teachers are not at your group, you will be taught by the students. But people in group 8,7 or 6, you are are lower groups so you will each have a permanent teacher. This leaves 2 teachers rotating groups. As you can see if you look at the other groups they are lined up in skill order. 8 to 1 from left to right. 1st the best. 8th the worst. When you are placed in your groups you will go to the group leader I tell you, they will introduce you to the rest of the group. Okay, so boys and girls line up separately." 

He went to the boys first, so I looked over at the groups. The smallest group was the 1st. Most people were in the middle, but quite a few in the 8th or 7th group. I was sad to see that there was only one girl in each the 1st and 2nd group. 4 in the 3rd group and more in the 4th and 5th. All the fake barbies were in the last group. I saw that the 1st group had 4 members of the squad of 7 boys in it. Amber eyes, dark vampire dude and the twins. There were only 6 people in that first group. One girl, five boys. Poor girl. She looked annoyed by the group, hitting one of them as they laughed. She had black hair and tanned skin and looked very badass. Once the dark blue-eyed teacher had sorted the boys I saw that Zane had gone to the second group and that two others had joined him as well. Most went to the 4th and 5th group. Some went to the 7th and I was happy to see that Jake went to the 8th. Serves him right. Asshole. Then he came over to our group. Charlie went to the 6th group. Ava and Lilya went to the 5th. Zara and Autumn went to the 4th. Kiera to the 3rd. Athena to the 2nd. I noticed he wasn't doing this on how well we did, but on how well he thought we were going to do, on how he judged us, that's why Athena went in a higher group than Kiera, even though Kiera was in the Semi-finals. Kiera looked very angry about that, and Athena very surprised. Then he turned to me. 

"Where, oh where should I put you?" He questioned, looking me in the eyes. 

"Where nobody comes from. And nobody goes." I replied, looking back at him, a smile grew on his lips.

"So nowhere?" He questioned.

"No,"  I replied, and then gave him a piercing stare.


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