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I woke to the sound of a chair being pulled slowly along a metal floor. I pulled against my restraints and hissed when silver burnt into my skin. I heard someones cold laugh and looked around, already with anger in my eyes. I was fastened to a wall, both my legs and arms attached to cuffs. If I moved an inch I would get burnt by the silver.

"That's the thing. So many powers." I heard a knife getting pulled out and put on a table.

"So" They came closer to me. 

"Many" They were right in front of me. 

"Weaknesses." They said and pulled my gag out. I looked up at the same time and saw the piercing blue eyes of Blake staring right back into mine.

I hung weakly from the cuffs, not fighting back. My skin burnt but I managed to hide the pain. I lowered my head closing my eyes in resignation. My stomach wasn't stinging anymore, the pain had completely gone. Looking down I saw the wound was non-existent and I knew they used witch power on it. 

I was wearing my sports bra and black leggings and hated it, feeling too exposed. I looked around the room again. Blake was sitting back on the table in the middle. Raet was leaning against the wall at the side. Caden was sitting on the chair, feet up on the table as a cigarette hung lazily from his lips. Callum was at the back of the room, leaning against the wall. I couldn't see his features because of the shadows covering his face, but I knew they would be twisted into one of disgust.

"Now, are you going to answer our questions like a good girl?" Raet said, moving into the light and fixing me with a condescending look.

"Alina..." I whispered, my throat dry. "Alina. Is she okay?" I managed to croak out, looking at the back of the room to Callum. Caden rolled his eyes and laughed a dry, cold laugh.

"Your precious dragon. Is that all you care about?" He asked, looking at me scathingly.

"The only one who matters" I replied back at him.

"She's okay for now," Blake said, raising an eyebrow at me. I breathed a sigh of relief but quickly tensed again at his next words. "But who knows what fatal accidents can happen?"  

I lunged at him, my wrist screaming in pain as I strained against the silver. I gave pained whimper and immediately stopped, hanging from my chains. 

They all laughed at my misery, except Blake who just watched me critically. Then Raet stopped and moved forward to the table. 

"Enough. We need answers and we're going to get them. Who, or what, are you?" He asked, leaning forward intently.

"Fuck off" I managed, straining against the pain. Raets eyes immediately narrowed and he grabbed a silver knife, advancing towards me. The others did nothing to stop him as I stilled, tense against my chains.

He trailed the knife across my cheek and I screamed at the burning pain, straining against my restraint. I could feel blood trickling down my cheek. He looked at me again. Then Blake spoke, eyeing me with calculated and precise stares.

"We'll ask one more time, and then you get to choose whether we harm your dragon or you. Who are you, and what can you do?" He asked, and my body tensed at the thought of them hurting Alina.

"Do anything to me. But I won't answer anything." I replied, defiance in my voice, even as my cheek stung and my wrists and ankles ached.

"That's fine then. If you don't mind - well hurt your dragon." Callum said and started walking out the door.

"NO! No." I yelled and then muttered in resignation. Blake looked at me, a triumphant smirk on his face.

"Okay then. Who are you and what can you do." Blake asked, once more. I sighed.

"My name is Elia," I said and then stopped. Callum crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. I glared at him and continued. 

" I am a vampire," I said and then looked towards Blake. " A werewolf." And then looked back at Callum. "And a rider." 

"You forgot the part where your an elemental" Caden said, crossing his arms and looking at me. By now, they all stood in front of me in a line, arms crossed.

"You can't prove that," I said, arguing back with him. He threw a fireball at me and I had no choice but to deflect it with water unless I wanted to burn to death. I wonder what they would do then. They all scoffed at me.

"Okay so, you went to the academy," Blake asked, and I nodded. "And then you left, a few months ago." I nodded again.

"Why," Callum asked. 

He especially looked interested at this part, wanting to know why I had run.

"Some...people... tried to capture me when I was sleeping peacefully. " I answer, almost sounding bored, even though I anything but. I didn't want to tell them it was Agents yet, I would sort my business with them first and then spill the news to the other kingdoms.

They all looked shocked at this. I rolled my eyes. Then Blake narrowed his eyes at me with a knowing but suspicious look.

"So, why did you feel the need to attack our Royal Ball, and what were you trying to achieve?" He asked, staring me down.

"Okay, you want the truth," I asked and of course they all nodded. Ha, they were in for a treat.

"Well, first I wanted to scope out the best places and the best people to kill, so I did that at the ball." 

And I was interrupted by Raet asking, "And what did you decide?" I smirked at this, knowing they would hate this.

"So I realised the best thing to do would be to play on sibling bonds," I replied, looking Blake in the eye. He caught on to what I meant but waited for me to say it, threat and anger clear in his eyes.

"So my best choice would be Harper and Lea, gender stereotypical I know, but your families are weaker for your girl siblings, and once I got them, I would use them to get the information I need from all of you, and then kill them." I finished smirking, but not before Caden and Blake almost lit up in rage. 

And I smiled because I knew that somewhere all the Kings and Queens were listening and watching, so any minute now I would be faced with two angry Kings and maybe some more siblings. 


 And sure enough, the door slammed open and in came both the Elemental King and the Alpha King. I swallowed when I saw him, my throat still remembering his grip. 

Behind them though I saw Hayden, Jace and Damon. 

Damon came straight over to me, and as he walked shadows crept out from the wall and kept me in place so that no matter how much I struggled I couldn't move. His eyes burned into mine, the darkness piercing, the fury evident on his face.

I was helpless, and for once in my life, I was scared.

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