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Narrator's POV

"Aaaahh!" A very familiar voice yelped. Y/N's eyes shot open in surprise and she immediately jumped out of bed and towards the bathroom, since the screaming came from that area. 

Luckily for Camila's habit of not locking the door, the Y/E/C-eyed girl could burst right through. "What happened? Are you alright?"

The brunette snapped her head to look at her girlfriend and quickly hid something behind her. "Oh no, it was nothing..." She gulped slightly. Her forehead was coated with a bead with sweat and she felt heart beating faster and faster. "Just a... spider. I killed it."

"You sure it's nothing else... You look really pale," Y/N commented as she cautiously stepped forward and pressed the back of her hand on the other girl's forehead to check her temperature. 

Camila jerked herself away from her and backed against the wall. "Yeah, no. I mean, I'm really fine. You can go back to sleep," she reassured the Y/E/C-eyed with a trembling voice. 

Y/N slowly nodded her head and walked back to their room.

Apparently, they're getting a new record. This will be the fourth time Camila's not coming home until late this week. Ever since Y/N found out about her girlfriend's possible affair with some colleague called Alex, the brunette's been acting even weirder than before. 

It's not exactly weird, but the Y/E/C-eyed girl just didn't know how else to describe it. One moment Camila's all upon her and being extra clingy, then there are also times where she's being really distant like she's trying to slip away.

What happened this morning was... even worse than before. Camila looked at Y/N as if she was scared of her and the Y/E/C-eyed girl literally did nothing. But the brunette was hiding something though, maybe it had something to do with that. 


Y/N was busing myself with this draft she had to turn in for a client for his interior when Thunder suddenly gave her his paw. The Y/E/C-eyed girl looked at the puppy and realized that it was time for his walk. Camila told her this morning to throw out the trash, so she'll just do that now.

The Y/E/C-eyed girl put the garbage bags next to the door and went to put on a coat. Thunder began to sniffle on the bags while wiggling his tail furiously. Y/N tried to push him away but he just wouldn't budge, so she looked at what he's so interested in.

Looking at the plastic bag from the bathroom's trash can, Y/N saw a... stick? It's not just a normal kind of white plastic stick, it looks like a pregnancy test. Why would they have--... She quickly threw everything out of the dirty bag and picked the test up, squeezing it in her hand. Is this what Camila was doing this morning?

Her thumb slowly trembled away from the small display and revealed the result of the test. Two lines. Which also means positive...

Y/N knew damn well that she didn't have a dick to get her girlfriend pregnant, so...


"I'm home," Camila announced per usual.

Y/N squeezed the pencil that she was holding so hard that the wooden object almost snapped into two. That would've been the sixth one today, but she held herself in and slowly relaxed again.

Camila set her bag on the table and looked over at her girlfriend. 

Feeling the pair of eyes on her, Y/N decided to speak up. "I thought you'd be coming home later tonight," she said as calmly as she could manage.  

"It's... we just finished the work earlier."

Y/N nodded her head and kept her gaze on the paper in front of her, just like she's been doing the entire time. "I'll go heat up the food for you." She continued to avoid her girlfriend's eyes as stormed in the direction of the kitchen. 

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