Chapter Five

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I turned the SUV down the gravel road and narrowed my eyes as I looked around. "Is this right?" I wasn't sure exactly where we were. I had never been to Altia before. Honestly I didn't think I would go this time around but both Luka and Shey requested I come and I didn't have the heart to turn them down.

"Yup, Unca Mikey!" Amelia's voice was bubbly and happy as she wiggled in her car seat. I glanced in the rear view mirror and Shey held one of her little hands, her eyes and cheeks red from crying for a majority of the night. I didn't blame her, I truly didn't. She knew she was saying goodbye to her baby.

Shey shifted in her spot, glancing towards Luka. "Ainsley and Sombro know to-"

"Yes, Shey. They will make sure Heidi takes her bath and her vitamins. As well as getting to bed in a good time." Luka's voice was calm and I knew he was trying to be soothing but I could see how tense he was as he looked out the windshield.

"You told them that Kiel needs to sleep with her? She can't sleep alone." Her voice cracked on the word and my grip tightened on the steering wheel at the anguish her voice had at that.

"Yes, lubirea mea. They know." His voice was soft as he looked into the back seat, reaching his hand back for her. I glanced over, watching as Shey took it, holding it tightly with shaking fingers.

I swallowed hard, focusing on the road as it slowly wound through what seemed like a forest. I studied the area, looking for any sign of anyone but the area looked empty. I shook my head slightly, I had never been to Altia but I wasn't sure if I liked it. I certainly hadn't liked the priestesses who came to Fortis right after the twins had been born. Like carrion birds they were, waiting for a dying animal to fall. It was wrong. They had no reason to come into the pain that Luka and Shey had already felt and make it that much worse.

A flash of white and light blue in the trees caught my eye but when I jerked my head to look it was gone. "What did you see, Micheal?" Luka's voice was tight with his emotions and I slowly shook my head.

"I don't know. Who knows what is out in the trees here, Luka." I certainly didn't want to find out. There was too much going on in the air here. It was enough to rub my wolf the wrong way and that was enough to make me feel just as wary.

"Magic. Mene is here." Amelia said it lightly and I could feel both Shey and Luka tense at that, at the reminder of who was the one that had punished them, punished Amelia with being moonborn. "I'm happy, mama." Amelia gave a heavy but happy sigh after she said it and when I glanced in the rear view again, she had reached out and gripped Shey's hand in her own tiny one, a smile on her face as she glanced around, as if her blind eyes could see what was around her.

Shey didn't respond but I knew she didn't need too. The air in the cab was filled with her unsaid anguish at losing her daughter. It made my own heart clench and the bonding mark on my palm ache with a phantom throbbing that only served to remind me of what I lost. I had been so stupid. Young and stupid. There wasn't a day that went by that I hadn't cursed myself fro what happened, that I didn't blame myself for what happened to Bethany and Catherine.

"What's up, Micheal?" Luka touched my elbow and I gave a quick shake of my head. "You clam up on me and I'll tell Mari." It was the faintest form of teasing, as if he were trying to force himself into normalcy.

A thought struck me with an intensity that had me wanting to nearly double over. I gripped the steering wheel until the metal groaned from the force of it. "I can't remember what they sound like." I tried so hard to remember. I tried to remember what Catherine's voice was like when she would tell me she loved me or what Bethany's giggles sounded like but I couldn't. "I don't remember their voices." I said it quietly before I shook my head, doing my best to shove it all away. "It doesn't matter, Luka. I can deal with it. We need to focus on dealing with this." I was here to help Luka and Shey, to be their rock if everything went south. I was the person who had to be calm and rational as I made the phone calls no parents should have to make.

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