~Pack Glossary~

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Packs shown in order of appearance.


Rogue Pack

Leader: Riley Jensen, a rough male who doesn't trust pack structures and has partnered up with a bunch of other rogues due to the nature of the neutral highways becoming dangerous due to illegal rogues.

Other members:

Marian- one of the females who helped search for Lilith when she first disappeared from their camp.



Head Priestess: Ambris

Notable territory members:

Isla- takes care of any moonborn children on the territory.

Tina- a new priestess who is just learning the ways of Altia

Tulip- owns a bar on the territory, a very rough type of female who has lived in Altia for a few decades after taking a pilgrimage to the territory.

Tara- works in the bar with Tulip, has been in Altia for several years.

Tim- a former Alpha Male to an Old Way pack that ran to Altia after an incident that left his lover dead. He is partnered with Nexus.

Nexus- a former Old Way Alpha who left his pack after his chosen mother, Lara, passed away. He left because he made her a promise he would find a male to be with and be happy. He is partnered with Tim.

Notes: The territory lost all of its moonborns in a very short amount of time. The first was taken to swap out Lilith's infertility with Adam's fertility, passing the consequences of what had been done to him rather than her. The next one was taken to make Micheal Lilith's new mate to ensure she would be taken care of and love. And finally the last one was taken to curse the Old Ways to be barren so that they would fully die out. No one outside of specific people know about this curse as Mene has decreed that no Old Way packs will ever learn abut it because they abandoned her so she will do the same in turn.


Pack Fortis

Current Alpha: Luka Sterling and Shey Lazera

Next in line: Heidi Sterling

Other Children: D.B. (Derek Benjamin) Sterling

Moonborn child: Amelia Sterling (Deceased)

Beta(s): Michael and Ezekiel

Delta: Benji Haven

Pack Doctor: Doc Howard

Pack Healer: Jason (No last name mentioned)

Pack Counselor: May (No last name mentioned)

Head Chef: Carrie (Known as Gamgam)

Known pack members:

Lilith Baker- Female mated to Beta Micheal. She suffered severe abuse at the hands of her previous mate, Alpha Adam. She killed him after he attempted to kill Micheal. At the end of the book her and Micheal are expecting a baby.

Aaron Baker- Lilith's father who was brought to Fortis in exchange for Lilith giving Alpha Adam's power to his younger brother.

Tracy - Jessie's mother

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