Chapter Sixteen

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Nearly two weeks later

I wouldn't say things were getting back to normal, you could never be truly normal after losing a child. However things were getting into a schedule. Luka and Shey had spent the first few days in their bedroom, Gamgam had barred everyone from bothering them, taking them all their meals. That lasted for only four days before Lace decided that she had enough of it and drug May into the room for them to talk about it. Gamgam hadn't been too impressed with it but she had also wisely held her tongue with the mountain Alpha Female.

To be fair, I didn't think anyone wanted to argue with Lace. She had sent Azrael and the children back up to Algus and had stayed alone. That had not been something Azrael liked doing. There had nearly been a fight between the two of them until Lace gave in and told him he could come and pick her up once she was done. However, since they had left, Lace's mood had only gotten worse as the days wore on and by the time she had dragged May into Luka and Shey's bedroom, everyone had been avoiding her.

However it had worked. May had spent a long time in there with them, taking two full meals with them before she had come out. It had taken one more day of May being in with them before they had come out. From there it had been an achingly slow process to get them onto some sort of schedule. Not that I had expected anything different when it came to this. Things would move slow and the grief would linger for years but at least they were out of the bedroom and working on keeping busy.

In the mornings Mari and Gamgam went in and brought them out to the kitchen for breakfast. From there Lace and Mari would take them to therapy with May, they would stay there for an hour before Lace and I would take them to the office to slowly go through paperwork and pack business. After that it was lunch with the pack before more therapy with May, Gamgam, Ainsley, and Mari. Then it was supper in the kitchen with friends and family.

Throughout the entire day Heidi came in and out. She played with Jackson and repeatedly asked where Amelia was. There were quite a few times when she would burst into tears when told that Amelia had died and she couldn't play with her anymore. What was worse, Heidi was having troubles sleeping at night. Every night she had troubles sleeping and ended up crawling into bed with her parents, even when Ezekiel would curl up with her.

I believed the fact Heidi didn't understand what happened to Amelia made the process a little bit more difficult. She would ask about Amelia often and Shey often burst into tears the moment the words escaped Heidi's mouth. Luka had to choke out the answers to Heidi's questions while Shey tried to calm herself down to help him explain. I know it was difficult for me to explain to her myself. Explaining the concept of death to a toddler was difficult, especially when the toddler you are telling it to just lost her twin sister.

Despite it all, they were getting into a schedule and because of that Lace had decided to head back home. I didn't want to say I was glad the small female was going home but I was going to say that the female made me incredibly wary. I didn't particularly like her around me, let alone around Lilith. She was just too unpredictable and dangerous for me to feel comfortable around her or the female Mene put me in charge of protecting. I had nothing against the female but she was a little... off.

I looked around carefully, keeping half an eye on Lilith as I did so. She had wandered off and had gotten lost quite a few times over the past few weeks. I was trying to let her settle but I did believe that she needed to talk to May. I was hoping that once things settled a bit more with Shey and Luka I could get her into therapy.

Lilith was picking at grass as she sat in her spot near the front steps of the pack house. She was dressed in a pair of shorts and one of my sweaters. The sweater was nearly swallowing her but she seemed content. Gamgam gave her quite a few clothes but she seemed more happy wearing mine, although I had no clue why.

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