Author's Note

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Life can be cruel.

People can be cruel.

But not everyone is and life can be just as kind as it can be cruel. This story was to show those that life and people have destroyed. To showcase those who were burned simply to keep another person warm. I wanted to show their struggles and their moments. I wanted to show what the Old Ways did. I wanted to show you how they affected females.

I wanted to tell you Lilith's story.

And I did.

She had been burned to ashes by Adam. He had ruined her, destroyed her, broke her down into pieces and tried to put her back together how he wanted but all he was left with was empty pieces of what used to be a person. He was left playing in the ashes of what used to be.

This story was her rebirth. Like with a phoenix she rose from the ashes, new and reborn. She was different, a little strange, but a person once more but that never would have happened if not for the kindness of love of those around her. Lilith had been destroyed in a place where there was no love, no kindness, no hope. It was fitting that her rebirth happened in a place with all of that.

She had been guided by caring and loving hands to recreate herself, to bring herself out of the dark and the ashes of what used to be. Micheal was a solid and needed presence beside her, a stable force in her life that allowed her to explore her world at her own pace, never pushing, never demanding, a solid presence giving her love and security in a world she was completely uncertain of. He was there and he loved her and that was enough. Sure there were moments and hiccups but what love doesn't have those?

He made her a home, gave her happiness, but most of all he gave her a life without dark and for Lilith that was something she needed more than anything.

So with that, I now leave this story and these characters to their happiness and their love for each other. I need to move on, to delve deep into the world I have created. I am taking you on a journey to something different, something a bit more destructive. I am taking you to the Old Ways, setting you down in the middle of the fires Mene has set with her curse and we will see it unfold through the eyes of a halfling named Menza.

So until then,



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