Chapter 1: How it all began

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Katniss' POV

Here goes nothing. I've been watching the hunger games ever since I was little, but I still can't get over the feeling. The Capitol throws 24 kids and forces them to murder each other! That's just inhuman! I'm 16 and have to take care of my family which means that I'm also taking a tesserae. You can take a tesserae to get more supplies like oil and bread. But since I'm taking a tesserae my name is in the big reaping ball not 16, but 20 times. This means that I have a higher chance of getting picked. I'm not so scared for myself though, I'm more scared for Prim. Primrose, my beautiful little duck. It's her first year participating in the reaping for the games and I forced her not to take any tesserae, of course. Her name was in there only one time, so there's no chance she will get picked. Almost no chance. 

Effie Trinket, a really odd lady from the Capitol arrives, like every year. She has a huge pink wig and weird pink dress and a really big flower in her hair... or wig. Bright and bubbly as ever, Effie Trinket trots to the podium and gives her signature, "Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor!". The odds were never in our favor. We were the poorest district: 12- coal mining. Through the crowd, I spot Gale looking back at me with a ghost of a smile. Suddenly I am thinking of him. Gale is 2 years older than me, but has been my best and only friend. We regularly hunt together in the woods, past the fence and both have to struggle to keep our families alive. Because Gale had a large family he had taken more tesserae and his name was in the big glass ball forty-two times. The odds are not in his favor. Not compared to a lot of the boys. And maybe he's thinking the same thing about me because his face darkens and he turns away. "But there are still thousands of slips," I wish I could whisper to him. 

It's time for the drawing. Effie Trinket says as she always does, "Ladies first!" and crosses to the glass ball with the girls' names. She reaches in, digs her hand deep into the ball, and pulls out a slip of paper. I'm so desperately hoping that it's not me, that it's not me, that it's not me. 

Effie Trinket crosses back to the podium, smoothes the slip of paper, and reads out the name in a clear voice. And it's not me. 

It's Primrose Everdeen,

My little duck.


Hey guys, so it's my first story and I don't know I just really want to write it 😅. This is only the first chapter, so you can't really tell what the story really is about as for now it follows the book. If you don't like it, well sorry about that. and If you're not a fan of catoniss just don't read and don't hate.

💋I will try to update regularly! 💋

😻Thank you all for taking a bit of your time to read my first chapter!😻

🤩Comment what you think and how I can improve it! I'm open to your ideas!🤩

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