Chapter 15: Don't mess with a career

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Katniss' POV:

"And then Katniss stormed out of the training centre before they even dismissed us!" finished Peeta. I haven't stopped glaring at him from the moment he started telling Haymitch everything that happened.

Haymitch was shaking his head from the beginning of the story.

"I knew you were dumb, but didn't know you can be that stupid!" snapped Haymitch. "Katniss this is why you have a head for- to think! Use it some time, will you?!" he paused and then continued "Do you want to fucking die?! What the hell were you thinking?!" Nothing. I wasn't thinking. I just couldn't let them make fun of me or call me a weakling. After all of the things that I've been through. What did they know? They knew nothing about starvation, fear, taking care of your whole family. I couldn't let them laugh at me. I just couldn't.

"Congratulations, now the careers know your strengths! Now there's no way you're getting a hold of a bow during the games because they're guarding the cornucopia. And now you're also marked as a target. What were you trying to do? Prove to them that you're a threat that they need to eliminate as soon as the games start? Because that's exactly what you just did." he finishes shouting and takes another sip of his liquor. I glare at Peeta one last time and storm to my room. Ugh they don't understand. Nobody understands because nobody's been through what I have! Ugh I hate it here. I just want to be home with Prim and my mom. And even Buttercup. But no, I have to bear with this hell and then die in a couple of days. I just have no strength left. With that, I go to bed and drift into deep sleep.

The next day I wake up early. Too early for my taste. Nobody's awake yet. And that's good because I don't want another lecture on my "behaviour". I make some breakfast for myself and decide to put the TV on. All I come across are past hunger games. And I DO NOT want to watch that "final victorious moment" when one of the two last kids left kills the other. After a lot of scrolling I come across "May the odds be ever in your favour". Apparently that was a show with a leaderboard of the people's odds of winning. I never really knew the names of the other tributes or how good they are. I only knew the careers and that they are good. But had no idea who was the strongest or smartest among them. I decided to take a look at the leaderboard. 

1. Cato- district 2

2. Marvel- district 1

3. Clove- district 2

4. Glimmer- district 1

Okay, that's not a lot of news, I already knew that the careers were going to be at the top of the rank. I'm surprised that Marvel isn't first though. I mean, district 1 are supposed to be the richest and most favoured right? But now that I think about it, I remember Cato. The guy will the cold blue eyes. The one that laughed at me and made fun of me. I can't stand him. He did act like a leader, so I guess that makes sense. Let's continue with the ranking.

5. Mira- district 4

6. Roxy- district 7

7. Liam- district 7

Apart from the careers, the tributes from 7 have the biggest advantage in the arena because their district provides lumber and paper and therefore the people there are skilled with a weapon- the axe. I'm surprised only the girl from 4 follows the careers. District 4 is a career district so the tributes usually occupy the top 6 places. But I should've guessed that the boy would be lower ranked since he was small, about 14 years old, while Mira was 17.

8. Klay- district 4

Oh there he is. Klay is his name. There's not a lot of hope for him either as it's obvious that the mentors will choose to support Mira. I sigh. Poor boy. He's too young to die. We're all too young to die.

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