Chapter 7: The Training Fail

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Katniss' POV:

How bad can it be? The careers? Are they so good? How good?  Today was the first day of training and I would get to see my competition. Peeta and I are off to a great start thanks to Cinna. Yesterday we completely outshone the other tributes. Some of the careers kept starring at me and I think they're quite unhappy that we stole the spotlight. But we made an impression. What if I actually have a chance of winning? A chance of going back to Prim, to Gale, to my mother? What if... my thoughts are interrupted as I walk into the training grounds. Everyone turns and looks at me. I become nervous pretty quickly, but before anybody could see it, a woman begins to speak.

"In two weeks 23 of you will be dead." she begins getting everyone's attention. "One of you will be alive." I find my eyes wondering around and they meet cold blue ones. They belonged to a tall, strong boy. I think he was from district 2. He smirks at me and I quickly look away focusing on Atala's words. "Who that is depends on how well you pay attention over the next 4 days, particularly to what I'm about to say. First, no fighting with the other tributes. You will have plenty of time to do that in the arena." The girl from district 2 smiles in this twisted way that sent shivers through my body. The boy with the cold blue eyes lets out a small, yet dangerous smile. "There are four compulsory exercises, the rest will be individual training. My advice is don't ignore the survival skills. Everyone wants to grab a sword, but most of you will die from natural causes: 10% from infection, 20% from dehydration, exposure can kill as easily as a knife." she finishes and then dismisses us. 

Peeta and I go to the camouflaging section. He's pretty good at painting himself to match the surroundings because he used to decorate the cakes down the bakery. Or at least that's what he told me. I don't think I can trust him. Or anybody else. It's only me and me only in these games. While Peeta is camouflaging his arm I get distracted by the training of the careers. The girl from district 2 hits bullseye every time with her knives. The boy from district 1, does the same thing, but with a spear. The girl from district 1 hits bullseye and some outer rings a couple of times with her arc and bows. I smile faintly, I'm better than her for sure. But if that was a human? Would I still be better than her? But another career catches my attention. It was the boy with the icily cold blue eyes. District 2. He was training with a sword. He was moving so precisely and was handling the sword with such ease. It was if he was in a mortal dance and you couldn't help, but to admire how dangerous he was. I was lost while looking at him when he stopped and looked at me while smirking. Ugh Katniss, now he thinks that you admire him. Great, more to feed his ego. I look away. 

I moved to the shuriken throwing station just to practice some precision. The careers were talking to each other and laughing together unbothered that all of those children, except one will be dead in the next few weeks. I try to ignore them. I focus entirely on the target in front of me. Ignore everything and everybody. I throw. And miss by a lot. I turn around, embarrassed, and see the careers laughing at me.


So there will be other parts of the training from all of the careers' POV. Hope you will enjoy them. Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote on your favorite chapters!

💋I will try to update regularly! 💋

😻Thank you all for taking a bit of your time to read my seventh chapter!😻

🤩Comment what you think and how I can improve it! I'm open to your ideas!🤩

😖What an embarrassing fail for Katniss, right?😖

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