Chapter 8: Cato's Rival

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Clove's POV:

I wake up earlier. Even Cato's still asleep and he's something of an early bird. I can't wait for the first day of training. I'm finally going to show that seam rat from district 12 who the real winner is. I make some breakfast when Enobaria comes in. 

"What are doing here so early" she asks.

"Couldn't wait for the training." I reply smirking in that dark way, that only I can do. Enobaria smiles back with an almost identical one, showing her canines and I immediately froze. Fear was what was shooting from me. That was something I haven't felt in a really, really long time.

"Show those weaklings what a real winner is." she says.

"Count on me." I tell her and go to the couch to watch some past hunger games, even though I've already watched all of them. Surprisingly, Enobaria makes some breakfast for herself and sits down next to me. What was she trying to do? Why was she acting in this weird trying-to-bond way? After a few awkward minutes she speaks or actually whispers to me.

"Look, I want to support you because I think that you're going to win, but Brutus wants to support Cato. You need to show us that you will be the winner." I look at her, surprised, and asnwer whispering back.

"Why are you rooting for me and not for Cato?"

"You're so good with knives, while Cato is an expert with a sword. You can kill someone from far away, while Cato has to risk getting close to the opponent. Cato is also the fire type. He's more animalistic and follows his emotions without thinking things through. While you're smart and cunning. You have a greater chance of winning." she finishes and I just stay quiet. "But of course Brutus had to ruin everything. He says that Cato will get more sponsors, that he's more aggressive and passionate about the games. However he's wrong. To prove him that and to get him to support you as well, you have to get the highest score in training. That won't be hard for you: you just have to beat Cato." she says and turns to me. I nod in understanding. Then the door opens and Enobaria turns around: Cato.

"Oh, good morning." she says with that same scary smile. Cato turns to her. He's obviously still half asleep and his hair is messy. He shoots her a glare and then rolls his eyes.

"Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed?" I ask teasingly. 

"Shut up Clove, I don't want to listen to your annoying voice from the beginning of the day" he says back and I laugh. 

"Well, I don't care if you want to listen to my voice or not, you have to. Now cut the attitude and get ready to show those weaklings what a career can do." I look at Enobaria. I'm trying to sound as if I'm stronger than him and as if I'm controlling him. Big mistake. He hates being controlled.

"Well, if YOU don't shut your little mouth and don't stop telling me what to do, I will make sure you will never be able to look at me without tearing up and running away from fear again!" he shouts and I glare at him. We have a mini starring contest, but I end up looking away. By that time, Brutus had walked in and was now smirking at Enobaria. He was clearly telling her "see, I'm right and you were wrong." I look at Enobaria, but she's just shaking her head. Ugh, damn you Cato. I can't deal with this anymore. I get up and leave.

Soon Cato and I are walking into the training grounds. Our mentors have spoken to the mentors of the tributes from district one and we had planned a meeting in the training grounds earlier, so that we can talk and plan what we're going to do. Glitter and Marvi are already there. 

"Heyyyyy" Glitter says while twisting her hair on her finger and looking at Cato. Marvi and I roll our eyes, but Cato smirks.

"Hey." he says back seductively and Glimmer lets out a girly chuckle. Ugh, seriously? I have to deal with that during at least 2 days of the hunger games?!

"Ew, can you two save it, you're making me sick." I say and Cato glares at me, while Glitter blushes.

"I'm Glimmer." she says.

"I'm Marvel." the boy from district one says.

"I'm Clove."

"And I'm Cato". Cato says smirking. Ugh, I swear there's too much pride in this boy. 

"So, want to discuss the other tributes?" asks Marvel.

"You mean talk trash about them?" I ask sarcastically. Nobody answers though, so I continue. "Well, apart from us, I don't really see any threats." 

"What about the boy from district 11? He seems strong." notices Marvel. 

"The girl from 12? She was a volunteer and had an amazing sparkly costume" Glimmer adds. 

"You mean that Seam rat? Haha. Nice joke. No." I say and, as if sensing my jealousy, Cato begins to speak.

"But the guy from district 11 does seem quite strong. Not as strong as me, of course, but quite strong. We will see how he will do in training and if he's good we will offer him a place in the career pack. He won't be able to say "no" to that. Understood?" he asks and Glimmer and Marvel nod.

"And since when did you start giving the orders?" I ask annoyed. No. There's no way he's getting the title of leader of the careers. That would basically mean that he's the strongest and the mentors will support him.

"Since I could kill all of you with the snap of my fingers" he says whispering, loud enough so that we could all hear it. Marvi and Glitter shiver at the sound of his venomous voice, but I know better. The door suddenly opens and a few tributes come in and soon, the whole place became noisy from the other people's discussions. Guess our time was up. 

Watch out weaklings, the winner is here.


So Clove's POV ends here, so that the other careers' POV can continue that and so that it doesn't get repetitive. I'm still figuring out how that's going to work, so there may be some changes. Hope you enjoyed the 8th chapter! Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote on your favorite chapters!

💋I will try to update regularly! 💋

😻Thank you all for taking a bit of your time to read my eighth chapter!😻

🤩Comment what you think and how I can improve it! I'm open to your ideas!🤩

💀Clove for sure is intimidating, but is she a better fit for a victor than Cato?💪

Catoniss: Frozen EmbersNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ