5. Ansel Gray and Arian Black

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"This is Ansel Gray

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"This is Ansel Gray." Hades introduced as the man in front of me bowed and kissed my hand gently.

Right after Hades had called me his warrior, he got up from his throne and walked into a corridor to his left. He stopped at the entrance and gestured me to follow him. A few feet inside, there were a few guards wearing armour. The one with short black hair and no beard was Ansel.

"He is my... dog. Does everything I ask him to." Hades continued smirking.

"You wish." Ansel chuckled as their hands met and pulled each other into a half hug. Hades patted Ansel on his back and then pulled away.

"This is Illiana. She is going to be a warrior." Hades told him. Ansel threw his head back and laughed. His laugh echoed through the corridors and came to an abrupt end when he realised Hades wasn't laughing with him.

"You're serious?" He asked incredulously. "The men are going to mutilate her in ways she will never come back from. You know that, right?"

"We'll make sure that doesn't happen," Hades replied shrugging his shoulders. "You do realise who you're talking to?"

"You and I can't be around all the time. She is just a little girl. You can't do this." Ansel argued. I moved my head between the two as they argued about my future.

"I can do anything I want," Hades argued back. "Any man that hurts an innocent woman isn't a man that deserves a spot in my army."

"This isn't about you. It's about a girl not being able to protect herself. Maybe...just maybe...she can fend off one man. What happens when five attack her at once?" Ansel continued crossing his arms across his shoulder.

"I'll cut their balls off and sew them together into a chain and hang it for everyone else to see and learn that if they ever do ⎯"

Men. I shook my head slightly zoning out the rest of their conversation as I began to walk a few paces and then turn and walk another few paces. It's like their species can't go five seconds without comparing dick sizes.

I more I walked about the place, the more I moved away from the duo. I reached the edge of the corridor and I peeked at the person standing on the circle. It was a boy. Maybe seventeen years of age. His clothes looked burnt like he died in a fire.

"Arian Black. Sixteen years and ten months. Riyana Black." He said loudly as his hands slightly shivered.

The old bat didn't jump on him. Instead, she walked to him and placed her palm on his forehead. A screen flashed open beside him, like a hologram.

It was a scene of chaos with no sound. A building was breaking down due to the fire blazing from it. The screen moved to show the boy, Arian. He was safe outside, staring at the building, a piece of bread in his dirty hands.

The screen turned to show a small girl crying, her hand stretched out towards the building.

The boy was shown again. He was looking at the little girl. He pocketed the bread he was holding, took a deep breath and then he ran into the building.

The screen seemed to fast forward itself and came to play again. Arian walked out of the building with a teenage girl leaning against him. His clothes were charred and singed.

A woman ran forward and picked the girl up from him. Her cheeks were wet with tears. He smiled for a second. Then he dropped to the ground. The video came to a pause and the hologram disappeared.

"Kneel." One of the guards standing near the throne walked forward. Arian obliged. He got down on one knee and kept his head down.

The guard tapped him slightly once on the right shoulder and once on the left. "You shall rise as a warrior to the king of the underworld. Rise."

The guard turned to my direction and nodded. One of the guards from behind me walked forward and guided the boy towards the corridor.

I turned around and returned back to Hades and Ansel. "You have another warrior, my grace," I said as I walked to them, the guard and Arian at my heel.

Hades glanced at the boy, who immediately fell to his knees, and returned his attention back to Ansel. "I'm not arguing with you. It's an order. Take both of them to their rooms and make sure that hers is close to yours."

"Illiana." Hades nodded once at me and them turned to leave.

Ansel didn't say a word but walked ahead with the two new warriors following him. They walked into a new corridor shaped like a square, one side was walled with doors to the rooms and the other side was an empty opening.

It was only after Ansel showed Arian his room that he turned to look at her. "Hades gets what he wants all the time and I've barely ever argued with him because he is always right. But I have a strong feeling he is wrong this time." He turned back around and walked ahead. He turned a right and stopped in front of a room.

"This is you. It is big inside and will have all the needs you require. I'll make sure that the room cleaners are female for yours. Lock your bathroom door when you're using it. Make sure the curtains are drawn when you're changing. Lock the door and don't open it for anyone other than me or a woman."

"And Hades?" I asked.

"I don't think Hades is going to come pounding on your door, darling," Ansel replied.

"How could you know? When's the last time you were with a woman?" I asked. His face immediately became guarded. I licked my lips and smirked as I hit a nerve.

He began chuckling. "Alright. No need to get defensive, my lady."

"Illiana." I corrected. "It's the twenty-first century. You can call me by my name."

He chuckled and shook his head slightly. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"It's just that I've heard the exact same sentence before. Get some sleep. Dinner is in a few hours." He replied as he turned around and entered the room beside mine.

" He replied as he turned around and entered the room beside mine

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