25. I might cause a massacre but at least there's cocktails

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3 am. Where do I begin?
I've learnt that sorry is a great place to start. Sorry for the late update. It's really hard juggling with three books and another story I'm developing in my head. It is legit three thirty in the morning right now and I just had to finish this chapter. I've had a great response with this book. I'm glad a lot of you like it (hope you do and aren't just using this book to increase your self-esteem, though it if does help then what the hell). Anyway. Right, carry on reading. Comment so I can know exactly what you're thinking. Whether you agree with the characters or you don't. Thanks, guys!┃

I stood between the two brothers contemplating my decision-making skills

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I stood between the two brothers contemplating my decision-making skills. Man, the McDonalds fries would have tasted really good about then.

Zeus kept silent as he stared daggers at Hades.

"Hermes!" Zeus finally bellowed. A teenager walked forward. He stopped beside me, pieces of popcorn stuck beside his lip. "Why don't you enlighten this kid on who I am and what I can do."

Hermes made a face like any other teenage boy against his father. "Do it yourse-"

"You're Zeus, the sky God and the king of all the gods." I cut him short. "You're the child of Cronus and Rhea. Once you killed your father, you and your brothers picked out your regions of power. You took the sky, Poseidon took the seas and Hades was left with the underworld. Sure, everyone makes it seem like Hades got the worst of it but I don't think so. I think Hades hit the jackpot."

Zeus raised an eyebrow, at least I think he did. His hair fell over his eyes covering up most of his eyebrows.

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, Man ruins everything in his path. Oceans have been polluted with oil spills, plastic and other trash and the skies have been polluted with smoke. But in the underworld?" I let out a laugh and smirked. "Man has no power in the underworld and Hades has complete reign."

Zeus closed his half-open mouth and continued staring at me. The entire hall was silent...except for Hermes. He was chewing popcorn beside me while glancing between us.

I blinked in confusion as Zeus slowly began to smirk.

"I thought you reminded me of someone." He said slowly. "It almost seems like just yesterday my son walked into this place."

I turned my gaze to Apollo, who had his eyes glued above my head. I looked up to find nothing and then realised he was looking at Hades, not me.

"Leave her alone, father." The everyone's head turned to face Ares. I was secretly glad that I looked more like my mom than him cause it would have taken some explaining to do if I showed up at school with eyes red and orange like fire.

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