16. No one's above Beyoncé

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"Ah. A god wants to learn from me, a commoner." I said placing my hands on my chest in fake happiness. "This is the best day of my life. People shall sing about this day."

I twirled around in the courtyard as Apollo sat on top one of the tables, with his feet on the bench, a weirdly folded paper in his hands.

Apollo rolled his eyes as he crumpled the paper in his hand and threw it at me. It hit my head with perfect aim and bounced off as I stopped spinning. "Just teach me."

I chuckled as I picked up two more sheets of paper and walked to him. I sat down beside him and passed him.

"Here, fold halfway," I explained as I began making an airplane. Apollo followed me as I finished the airplane and let it fly.

It twirled around a bit before landing smoothly on the ground. "Voila!"

Apollo folded his last crease and lifted his plane up to shoot. It fell down without a second in air. "You know this is probably because I must have done something to piss off the wind gods. That's all." He tried to explain.

"Sure, Apollo. That's probably it." I humoured him as I laughed. He laughed along.

"Someone with so much life and happiness shouldn't be down here," Apollo said as he leaned forward and picked up his plane.

My smile died. Life and happiness. If only he knew. Apollo looked at me with concern but before he could say anything,  we heard footsteps.

A woman walked into the courtyard with Ansel trudging behind her. The woman was dressed for combat; a silver bow and a silver quiver hung on her shoulder, matching her short silver hair.

Oh Golden Drachma, she wasn't...no she couldn't be...

Apollo got down from the table and walked towards them. "What are you doing here?" Apollo addressed the woman.

She didn't give him a second glance. Instead, her eyes fell on me. I didn't drop my stare as she continued to scan me top to bottom. She looked at Apollo and then back at me.

And then she laughed. She laughed like it was an inside joke.

Apollo's face became guarded. He turned to Ansel. "What is she doing here? How did Hades allow her inside?"

Ansel scoffed. "When does your sister do anything other than what she wants?"

"You are Artemis!" I explained as I got down the table and walked to Apollo's side. "Holy shit. I'm a huge fan. You're seriously the only god that I respect."

Hades' warriorМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя