Chapter 21: Tacos, Jokes, and Old Feelings

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-Ava's Pov-

"So what's with the hats?" I ask, not being able to take a second longer of riding in Harry's car in silence.

"I like em." He shrugs, his eyes focused on the road.

"You're always wearing them these days." I note, looking over at the hat that's perched on top of his long curls.

I would normally never like a hat like that, but as always, Harry makes it work. And looks incredibly hot while doing so.

"How do you know I'm always wearing a hat these days?" He glances over at me with a smirk and an eyebrow raised.

"Cause I do." I reply, suddenly feeling like a fool for saying anything.

"Hmmm. Good answer." He chuckles at me.

I look out the window, trying to hide my flushed cheeks. Great job Ava.

"So where's this burger at I'm supposed to be buying you?" I ask, trying to change the subject.

"I decided I wanted something else." He says as he pulls over to the side of the road.

"Why are we at a park?" I question, taking a look around.

"Get out and I'll show you." Harry smiles at me before opening his door and stepping out.

I follow his actions and walk around the front of the car to where he's standing.

"Come on." He directs as he heads across the park.

I walk next to him as I try to figure out where we're headed. Suddenly a red truck comes into view, several picnic tables set out in front of it.

"A taco truck?" I ask.

"Yes, best tacos in L.A. Their sauce is wicked, just wait." He smiles at me.

"Don't know if I can afford this." I chuckle.

"Oh come on love, splurge once in awhile. You live in such a run down shack... you should be able to treat yourself to a proper taco or two." He laughs.

"Very funny!" I laugh.

Harry grins at me, his dimples in full display as he grabs my hand, holding it. He takes about three steps before he realizes what he's doing.

"Shit sorry." He blushes, dropping my hand quickly and shoving his into his pockets. "Old habit."

I nod and look down at my feet. I still feel the tingles in my hand from his touch, and I can't help but wonder if he has the same feeling. I shake my head at the thought. Of course he doesn't Ava! Get ahold of yourself!!

We make it to the truck without another word between us and are greeted with warm smiles from the older couple running it.

"Harry! Back so soon?" The man asks, his accent thick.

"Of course Felipe. No one serves better tamales then you and Maria." He smiles at the older man who eagerly shakes his hand.

"And who is this?" Maria asks, wiping her hands on her apron.

"This is Ava." Harry glances at me with a grin.

"Ava.. Oh she's so beautiful Harry!" Maria exclaims, giving me a genuine smile.

"Thank you." I blush, "Lovely to meet you both."

"What would you like?" Felipe asks.

I look over the back of the truck at the menu, contemplating my choice.

"I'll have... A bottle of water, a fish taco, two tamales, and... the black beans and rice. Oh! And the chipotle burrito." I order, getting a little to excited about the food.

All of Me (Harry Styles) - Book 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz