Chapter 43: "You're here."

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-Ava's POV-

"Miss McCain?"

"Yup, that's me!" I smile at the man holding up a sign with my name on it.

"I'm Colin, your driver. I'll take your bags. We're right out this way." He points, pulling my bags behind him.

The black Lincoln is waiting right outside the main doors of Heathrow. I slide into the back seat while Colin puts my bags in the trunk.

I can't help but stare at the sidewalk, the same sidewalk I stood on a little over two years ago looking for a fresh start. It's strange to think how differently things would of gone had the next flight out of New York that day not been going to London.

I would of never found the two best friends a girl could ask for, Poppy and Finn. Never started writing again. Never played my songs in that small bar off Tothill Street. And never met Harry.

It's scary to think where I would be if I didn't have such wonderful people in my life. So many memories I cherish would of never happened.

"We're here." The driver announces, snapping me out of my little daydream.

I thank him as he hands me my bags, glancing up at the building we've pulled up to.

As soon as I step inside, I call Zayn and get directions to what room the boys are in. My heart starts racing the closer I get, feeling more and more anxious to see Harry.

I hear Niall's laughter come from a room ahead and I peek into it.

Zayn and Niall are standing across the room, facing me and leaning against a counter. Across from them is a couch, and my heart skips a beat when I see a mess of brown curls and broad shoulders.

Thankfully the couch is facing away from me, which means Harry's back is to me and he's unable to see my goofy frozen state.

Niall spots me in the doorway and his eyes widen as Zayn elbows him in the ribs, making Niall yelp.

"Knock it off fella's. Am on the phone." I hear Harry scold.

Zayn gives me a wink before looking at Harry, "Calling Ava?"

"Yeah, she's not been answering. Hope she's alright."

"Miss her bad, don't cha Harry?!" Niall grins.

"Course I do. This bloody trip has been wretched without her."

"Ah lighten up, things are bound to get better soon!" Niall half laughs, earning another shove from Zayn.

"Looks like the new writer we're working with is here." Zayn nods in my direction, but Harry doesn't turn around.

"She's proper fit Harry." Liam adds, stoping next to Harry and shooting me a grin.

"Don't give a shite." I see Harry shake his head and I almost laugh. "Can you lend me your phone? Don't think mine's working."

"Sure mate. It's behind you." Liam points.

"Zayn, yours?" Harry holds out his hand.

Zayn rolls his eyes, "Really Harry?"


"Ava!" Louie's voice booms across the room as he walks inside.

Harry's head snaps around, and his mouth drops open when he sees me. He tries to jump over the back of the couch, but since he's Harry and has zero coordination, he trips and falls flat on his face.

The boys all bust out laughing but all I can do is smile as Harry grins and scrambles to get back on his feet.

He's to me within seconds, grabbing my face with his hands and crashing his lips against mine.

I sigh into the kiss, placing my hands on his waist as his lips hungrily kiss my own.

"Get a room!" Louie cackles as the other boys whistle.

Harry ignores them as he pulls back to take a breath, "You're here." He smiles. "Wha.. How did you get here?"

"Just a short twelve hour flight." I shrug with a smile.

"And my help!" Zayn adds.

Harry glances over his shoulder. "Thank you for that. Now get out. The lot of you."

"Wasn't he supposed to be less grouchy now?" Niall asks.

"Just wait till they have a proper bonk, then he'll be in a stellar mood." Louie laughs.

"Sod off Louie! Now out! All of you." Harry yells, obviously trying not to laugh.

The second the door closes behind them Harry's arms are wrapped tightly around my waist, picking me up off the floor slightly.

"I really missed you." I say quietly, pecking his lips. "Thank you for the flowers."

"Thank you for coming. Best surprise ever. Really Av, you've no idea." He chuckles, setting me down on my feet.

"Ten minutes Harry!" A voice calls from the other side of the door.

"Bloody hell." Harry groans, looking over my face. "I'm sorry."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Right." He smiles. "Now come here and let me look at you for a bit."

I laugh as he pulls me towards the couch, sitting down and pulling me onto his lap. I straddle his hips as I sit down, wishing we had way more then ten minutes. And some privacy would be great too.

"God, you're pretty." He grins at me, making me swoon when his dimples pop.

"Don't look to shabby yourself Styles." I smile as Harry laughs.

"Missed you like mad. I feel like rubbish without you."

"Oh yeah?" I ask as I run my hands through his soft hair.

"Yeah..." His hands slide under the back of my shirt, rubbing lightly on my back as he chuckles.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"I must be mad, I just see you and I fall for you all over again."

"Literally." I laugh, picturing his near death experience when he saw me.

He laughs, his cheeks blushing slightly. "Yeah... I've got two left feet."

"But you've also got me." I pull his face towards mine, giving him a kiss.

"That I do." He says against my lips, his hands running over my sides.

My body shivers at his touch, reminding me I have no control over it when Harry's hands are on me.

"How busy is your day?" I ask, trying not to focus on the warmth spreading in my stomach.

"A lot of interviews." He sighs.

"Care if I tag along?"

He chuckles, "Not in the least. But tonight it's just you and me."

"Okay boyfriend."

"Harry! We're up!" Niall yells, pounding on the door.

"Don't go anywhere." Harry orders, giving me a kiss before lifting me off him.

He shoots me a wink over his shoulder before heading out the door, making my hear flutter.

I lay back against the couch, knowing without a doubt that I'm not going anywhere.

Not now, not ever.


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