Chapter 77: Truth or Dare

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-Ava's POV-

"To the lads who love us, the wankers who've lost us , and the lucky bastards who get to bonk us!"

We all cheer Poppy's less then eloquent toast, raising our glasses and clinking them together. I take a hearty sip, feeling the warming effect of my third glass of wine. Or is it my forth? Can't remember.

"Truth or d-dare!" Gemma calls out, hiccuping mid sentence.

"Please no! We aren't in primary school anymore Gems." Lou laughs, swirling her wine around in her glass.

"Oh who cares! It's ladies night and we need some fun!" Gemma looks around to the rest of us, Poppy nodding excitedly.

"Alright. Just don't blame me when you're dared to run down the street in just your knickers." Lou laughs.

"No, for that she'll most likely have Poppy to blame." I speak up.

Poppy laughs, "It isn't a proper dare if you've still got your knickers on!"

"Oh god." Gemma sighs, rethinking her idea.

Freya pats Gemma on the knee, "Oh come on darlings! All in good fun! Now who shall start?"

"I'll start!" Poppy raises her hand excitedly. "Freya, truth or dare?"

"Truth love. Afraid I've yet to have enough wine to accept a dare coming from you." Freya replies.

"No fun!" Poppy whines, "Alright then... Is it true you snogged Adam Levine backstage at the Victoria's Secret show?"

"Wasn't his fiancée walking in that?" I ask.

"Girlfriend." Freya corrects me, "And we may of had a heated moment or two behind a clothing rack."

All our jaws drop open while Poppy throws her hands in the air, "Knew it! So how was the lad?!"

"Oh no darling! I've told my one truth." Freya shakes her head, "Moving on! Gemma, truth or dare."

Gemma cringes, thinking over her options.. "Truth?"

"Very well darling. Is it true you and the lovely Finn had a proper go when he visited last week?"

Gemma's eyes widen and her cheeks flush as we all gasp.

"Oh my god!" I laugh, "You and Finn?!"

"Please ask me something else..." Gemma pleads.

"Nope! Now out with it!" Poppy sits up, poking Gem in the side.

"Fine! We may of kissed a bit.... But that's it!"

"How did this happen?!" I question, feeling a little to overly excited at the prospect of Finn and Gemma.

"Well, we'd met a few times before. He was in town visiting his family, and he just asked if I wanted to meet up."

"And?..." I prod her.

"And, we ended up back at my flat."

"You fancy him!" Lou laughs, "Can see it all your face!"

"Oh stop, the lot of you! Yes, I like him alright!"

"Wow. That's awesome!" I grin at her, the rest of the girls agreeing with me. "He really is a great guy Gem."

"I know. He's... Ugh he's quite fit. And sweet. So sweet." Gemma covers her face with her hands as we all laugh, "Now enough of that! Ava, truth or dare?"

"Dare." I smile, the wine emboldening me.

Gem purses her lips, deep in thought as her eyes meet mine, lighting up, "Let Poppy text from your phone. Anyone she wants. And you have to follow through with whatever she texts."

"Oh no!" I yelp, shaking my head as Poppy claps her hands.

"You picked dare!" Poppy yells, "Now hand it over!"

I begrudgingly drop my phone into her hand as she giggles, beginning to type away. I groan as her giggling blooms into a full grown laugh.

She locks the phone and hands it back to me with a smirk. Just great.

"Who did you text?" Lou asks as I unlock my phone.

"Why dearest Harry of course! Who else?" Poppy laughs.

"Oh god." I groan as my eyes scan over the last text sent to Harry, the small bubble appearing to let me know he's already texting back.

By now I'm sure he well on his way to being buzzed himself, having gone out with the boys when we decided to have a girls night. Boys as in Tom, Grimmy, Niall, and a few others.

After spending two days in our hotel room in Australia, we decided we needed to actually spend time with other human beings. We'd even ordered room service so we didn't have to leave for food, all our time spent making up for the previous weeks of non-sex. To say my body is sore and worn out would be the understatement of the year. But I wouldn't take it back for anything, having enjoyed every single sweaty second to the fullest.




When we started getting texts and calls from everyone asking if we fell off the face of the earth, we decided it was time to rejoin the real world. So we made a pit stop in London on our way home. Yesterday we spent with Harry's family, and today everyone met up for lunch before us girls headed back to Poppy's apartment. My old apartment.

It's weird sitting here now, in the small light yellow living room on the deep red couches Poppy and I bought together. I remember us fighting over the color choice, struggling to get it up the buildings stairs, and then dumping a box of Chinese take out on it that very night.


I've so many of them from this apartment. My first night in London spent on an air mattress in my new room, slipping in the tub and getting my first stitches, crying to Poppy as I told her about my past, cooking my first turkey dinner, trying to learn chess from an exasperated Finn, watching Freya throw out my clothes she deemed unfashionable, surprising Niall in his underwear, turning away from Harry that first night he tried to kiss me.

So many memories... That all led me to where I am today. Happy. And in love.

~Fuck Av. Yesssssss. -H

I look over Harry's response before locking my phone and standing up.

"Ava dear, where are you off to?" Poppy asks innocently.

"According to this text I'm meeting Harry at the pub him and the boys are at." I narrow my eyes at her.

"And?..." She smirks at me, knowing she requested something I never in a million years would do on my own.

"And, apparently I'll only be wearing a trench coat."

Hoots and hollers sound out as I flip them the bird, heading towards Poppy's room to borrow her coat.

I cannot believe I'm actually going to do this.

But what I really can't believe is that I'm actually a little excited about it.

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