Chatper 97: Something to Think About

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-Ava's POV-


I slap my hand over my mouth to try to stifle my laughter as I crouch down between Louie and Zayn.

"Really mate!? Ava's worse then Niall. They'll hear her before they make it to the car park." Louie whines.

"We needed a third. Besides her aim is better than Niall and Lou combined." Zayn whispers across me.

"I'm feeling so loved right now." I speak up, only to have Louie's hand cover my mouth. I promptly bite down on his palm, making him yelp.

"Will you two knock it off!" Zayn scolds us as we fight back and forth. "They're coming!"

I press my back against the large SUV we are all hudled behind as a water balloon is placed in my hand. I almost drop it, not expecting it to be so heavy.

"What's in these?"

"Not water." Louie answers me quietly, grabbing up a few balloons in his hands.

I should of known... Louie always has to take things one step further.

Zayn shushes us once again as they get closer and I peer through the windows at our unsuspecting victoms.

Walking across the parking lot, without a care in the world are Josh, Sandy, and Harry.

"Ava.." Zayn whispers to get my attention. "You go round the back. We'll hit em from the front."

I nod, holding my shirt out and gathering several balloons in it before I make my way to the back of the vehicle.

I glance back at Louie and Zayn as the guys walk past the end of the truck, and I'm given a quick nod.

Within seconds... it's utter mayhem.

By the time I've made it around the back of the truck I hear Louie cackling, Josh cursing, Harry yelling, and multiple splatters of balloons missing their marks and hitting the payment.

I don't hesitate in chucking a balloon at the first person I see. Sandy thought he was being smart hiding behind the other guys, but it made him the perfect target. For me.

It hits his back with a thud, bursting the second it comes in contact with shirt.

"What the bloody hell!?"

Chocolate pudding. Everywhere.

It takes him a second to react, swinging around just as I throw another one at him. I laugh as it hits him smack in the neck. A white explosion of liquid. Milk.

I barely see Harry look back, his mouth dropping open and a grin overtaking his face as he spots me. Zayn seizes the moment, hitting Harry right in the back of the head.

I quickly throw two more balloons at Sandy as he runs for me. One hits him in the arm, the other just barely misses him. I push another one into his chest as he stops in front of me. Whipped topping covers him as he grabs the one left in my hands, smashing it down on my head.

I scream as freezing cold milk runs down my face, to shocked to react as Sandy promptly throws me over his shoulder.

"Harry! Got something that belongs to you!" Sandy yells out as he jogs back over to the guys.

"Much obliged." I hear Harry respond.

"Don't!" My pleas are ignored as my body is passed from Sandy to the much broader shoulders of Harry.

My back is hit with a balloon as Harry moves away from the group, Louie yelling out a very less than genuine sorry. My feet are set down on the ground as I'm pinned between Harry and the truck.

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